The Infectious Myth – David Rasnick on the Real Cause of Cancer – 02.13.18

David Rasnick has been pursuing the idea that cancer is really caused by aneuploidy, a significantly wrong number of chromosomes in tumor cells, rather than by a series of mutations in one cell. This is not really new, it was known in the early 1900s, but has generally been ignored despite problems with the mutation theory. David Rasnick put these …

CHRIS BUSBY – It’s Not Just Cancer! Radiation, Genomic Instability and Heritable Genetic Damage

Those who fear the effects of radiation always focus on cancer. But the most frightening and serious consequences of radiation are genetic. Cancer is just one small bleak reflection, a flash of cold light from a facet of the iceberg of genetic damage to life on Earth constructed from human folly, power-lust and stupidity. Cancer is a genetic disease expressed …

How scared of death are we really – and how does it affect us?

If death is the final taboo, it might not be for much longer. There has, in recent years, been increasing effort to promote conversations about death and dying, both in the home and in more public settings. For example, death cafes, first launched in Switzerland in 2004, have spread around the world, enabling people to speak about their fears over cake and coffee. …

Russ Baker – Only “Lone Wolves” Commit Terror?

A new study demonstrates that those with terminal cancer do not necessarily benefit from chemotherapy. In fact, the results show just the opposite can occur. The closer the cancer patient is to death’s door, the more likely that chemotherapy will accelerate the dying process, as well as considerably affect their quality of life for the worse. The better their quality …

Big Pharma: How They Manipulate American Medical Doctors By Dr. Gary G. Kohls

 “The pharmaceutical companies are an amoral bunch. They’re not a benevolent association.  So they are highly unlikely to donate large amounts of money without strings attached. Once one is dancing with the devil, you don’t always get to call the steps of the dance.”—A psychiatrist, quoted in the Boston Globe, 2002. The New England Journal of Medicine, under the editorship …