Expansion is a key point in the teachings of Abraham, and it seems like it should be a simple concept. So why does it give Walt so much trouble? That was how we originally framed the show before it began. Then, just a few minutes into the show, Walt asked Wendy how her weekend was. The story she told in …
Heart of Mind Radio – 05.06.17
On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis speaks to Alan Steinfeld, host of the New Realities television program about the prospect of human interaction with Extra Terrestrial races and shares an excerpt from a New Realities broadcast featuring J.J. Hurtak, PhD, in which he introduces historical and ancient evidence that ET’s have been, and are already present on …
Joe Herbert Ph.D. – Stress Interferes With the Rhythm of Life: Why This Matters
The whole of life is locked into a rhythm. A slow-motion camera focused on any road would reveal two surges in traffic: one in the morning, the other in the evening. We call them rush hours, but they are really a reflection of the way that our lives are organized. Underlying this is the way we alternate periods of sleep …