Barely a month in office, President Trump has marked both his territory and his quarry, and, even in the face of widespread opposition, is making headway with his “vision” for America. Like it or not, the Trump train is on track and chugging along.
Hillary Clinton Never Met A War She Didn’t Want Other Americans To Fight
Never before were the two leading presidential candidates so disliked. Both major parties have nominated candidates that most Americans desperately want to reject. There many reasons to oppose Hillary Clinton: a history of scandal, reaching back to Bill Clinton’s Arkansas governorship; greedy, grasping friendships with economic elites; and brutal partisan war against political opponents. She is smart, competent, and experienced, …
Glenn Greenwald – Those Demanding Free Speech Limits to Fight ISIS Pose a Greater Threat to US Than ISIS
n 2006 – years before ISIS replaced Al Qaeda as the New and Unprecedentedly Evil Villain – Newt Gingrich gave a speech in New Hampshire in which, as he put it afterward, he “called for a serious debate about the First Amendment and how terrorists are abusing our rights–using them as they once used passenger jets–to threaten and kill Americans.” In that speech, Gingrich argued: Either before we …