Expat Files – 09.16.16

#1-Shipping and moving items to and from Latin America- PART 2:
Stuff breaks right? What if you have to ship something back to the states for warranty repair? The fact is that most Expats get nailed TWICE for import taxes when they return an item. They’re hit once when the item was first bought and shipped down via Amazon.com or Alibaba.com order (or whatever) and again when it arrives back in the chosen Latin country after stateside warranty repair has been accomplished. However, that just won’t happen if you use the following tips…

Rebecca Solnit – Standing Rock Protests: This Is Only the Beginning

 pioneer monument and a lot of state troopers with batons and riot helmets stood between the mostly young native activists and the North Dakota state capitol on Friday afternoon. Many of the activists arriving at the capitol’s vast green lawn hadn’t heard that the Washington DC judge had decided against the Standing Rock reservation Sioux lawsuit. That was the lawsuit …

Expat Files – 09.11.16

#1-Shipping and moving items to Latin America- PART 1: Shipping your items down can often be a confusing, testy, frustrating, expensive and scattershot endeavor… a big headache for Gringos with poor Spanish skills. Most seasoned Expats who’ve been through the shipping meat grinder often advise newbee Expats to forget about it… just sell everything up north and buy new or …

What Women Must Know – Getting to Know your Lymphathic System: A missing Piece of Your Health Puzzle with Dr. John Douillard – 09.08.16

Dr. John Douillard, DC, CAP, is a youthful 60-year-old globally recognized leader in the fields of natural health, Ayurveda, and sports medicine. He is the creator of LifeSpa.com, the leading Ayurvedic health and wellness resource on the web with over 4.5 million views on YouTube. LifeSpa.com is evolving the way Ayurveda is understood around the world, with over 700 articles and videos proving ancient wisdom with modern science. Dr. John is the former Director of Player Development for the New Jersey Nets NBA team, author of 7 health books, a repeat guest on the Dr. Oz show, and featured in Woman’s World Magazine, Huffington Post, Yoga Journal and dozens of other publications. He has been helping patients repair their digestive system and eat wheat and dairy again for 30 years, has seen over 100,000 patients, and directs LifeSpa, the 2013 Holistic Wellness Center of the year in Boulder, CO.

Expat Files – 09.01.16

#1- Astute Gringos are fast waking up to the fact that a Latin American “Plan B” is in no way a crazy idea:
Yes, time is of the essence. If the window of opportunity is closing, how much time remains in order for one to successfully pull it off? Oddly enough it often depends less on money and resources than the physical and social baggage one has accumulated through the years.

Tim Radford – Soaring population raises climate concerns

LONDON, 2 September, 2016 – Human numbers are predicted to grow by 33% in the next 33 years – and that is worrying news for a world already struggling to deal with the impacts of climate change. By 2050, there could be 9.9 billion people alive on the planet, and the global total is expected to hit 10 bn by 2053, according …

Expat Files – 08.28.16

#1- Latins are perpetually happy. Does that magic rub off on us too? How long does it take? Can even perpetually sour Expats “south of the border” expect an instant personality makeover? Today we discuss those conundrums

Ramon Elani – The Dithering Age: Holocene, Anthropocene, And Chthlucene

There is no question that anthropogenic activity has profoundly damaged the vast interrelated web of ecological systems that maintain the conditions for life on this planet. Similarly there is an increasingly agreement among climate scientists that we are currently in the midst of a sixth geological extinction event that may cause the annihilation of up to 75 percent of species …

Prof. James Petras – President Obama’s Race for the “Imperial Legacy”: A World of Chaos and Disintegration

President Obama is racing forward to establish his imperial legacy throughout Russia, Asia and Latin America.             In the last two years he has accelerated the buildup of his military nuclear arsenal on the frontiers of Russia.  The Pentagon has designed a high tech anti-missile system to undermine Russian defenses. In Latin America, Obama has shed his shallow pretense of tolerating the center—left electoral …