A 2015 interview with Amnesty International, published Tuesday in theGuardian, sheds light on the conditions faced by US Army whistleblower, political prisoner, and torture victim Chelsea Manning, who attempted suicide on July 5 and now faces a vindictive campaign of retaliation by the military. Chelsea Manning (born Bradley Manning), formerly a US Army specialist stationed in Iraq, is a whistleblower …
Tony Cartalucci – Hong Kong Gets New US-backed Party
Hong Kong saw the formation of a new “political party,” headed by 19 year-old student Joshua Wong – a young man with no experience and no explanation as to who is funding him or backing him politically. The party, called “Demosisto,” was described by the BBC in their article, “Hong Kong student leader Joshua Wong forms political party,” as demanding …
Amnesty highlights ‘disturbing rise’ in global executions
A surge in the number of executions recorded worldwide saw more people put to death last year than at any point since 1989, Amnesty International says. At least 1,634 people were executed in 2015, a rise of more than 50% on the previous year, the group found in its review of the use of the death penalty. Iran, Pakistan and …
Dr. Ludwig Watzal – ISIS’ Main Enemy Is Saudi Arabia Not Israel
In several of my German articles I have been arguing that an “Islamic State” doesn’t make any sense without the control over the sacred sites of Islam, Mecca and Medina. That is why, so my reasoning, ISIS should not have attacked Al-Assad or the Al-Abadi regime, not to speak of Israel, but the Wahhabite Salafist Saudi Arabian dictatorship. This regime …
John W. Whitehead – The Right To Tell The Government To Go to Hell: Free Speech In An Age Of Government Bullies, Corporate Censors And Compliant Citizens
Free speech is not for the faint of heart. Nor is it for those who are easily offended, readily intimidated or who need everything wrapped in a neat and tidy bow. Free speech is often messy, foul-mouthed, obscene, intolerant, undignified, insensitive, cantankerous, bawdy and volatile. Unfortunately, our appreciation for a robust freedom of speech has worn thin over the years. …
Boyan Atzev – Food Sovereignty: This is What Anarchy Looks Like
“This is what democracy looks like” goes the popular protest chant. However, it’s not democracy that captures the imagination, provides answers, and drives today’s resistance movement. Something much more interesting has been taking place during protests, forums and intentional communities. In his book The New Left the anthropologist David Graeber states that anarchy has become the logical and probably last hope of …
Expat Files – 12.27.15
-More stories of failed charitable freebee attempts by first-world “do gooders” to save the poor…
-How “do gooders” team up with corporate monsters like Mcdonalds to use so-called acts of charity. The secondary effect is simply to program poor kids into becoming future “Happy Meals” consumers.
-More unique traditions that show up during Latin holiday season (most of these totally unknown by first-world people)
-Reports on two criminal Latin Ex-Presidents: one (from El Salvador) under house arrest for stealing $15 million plus and the other (from Panama) now holed up in Mijami awaiting extradition from the USA.
-Today we discuss the root causes of the massive Latin real estate bubble and why deceptive advertising looks as if it’s keeping parts of it somewhat afloat (but not for long)
The Illusion of Western News
Multi-million-dollar advertising money has long been suspected as an unspoken filter for Western news media coverage. If the news conflicts with advertising interests then it is simply dropped. Western complicity in Yemen’s conflict is a case study. Add to that the celebrity sheen of Hollywood stars Jennifer Aniston and Nicole Kidman. What we then have is an illustration of how ugly realities of killing and …
Energy Stew – Alan Roth – 11.06.15
It looks like Vitamin D is more valuable than previously understood. You’ll want to learn the details so you’ll know how much you need and all that it can do for you.
The scientist I’m interviewing is my brother, Alan Roth, and he has found amazing evidence of its important properties. You probably haven’t heard that hospitals using it are saving many lives.
How many lives might you save just by telling people about it?
Vitamin D is measured in thousands of International Units and to many the idea of taking thousands of anything can cause concern. It even worries doctors who recommend it. On the show you’ll learn why these extreme numbers were created.
Chris Hedges – Prostitution: Being Raped for a Living
This column includes material from Chris Hedges’ interview of Rachel Moran. Prostitution abolition activist Moran is a former prostitute and a writer, blogger and founding member of SPACE International, an organization for survivors of prostitution. BALTIMORE—The reduction of another human being to an object and the glorification of male violence, whether in war or prostitution, are romanticized by popular culture. It …