Given its distance from the brain, neuroscience hasn’t had much to do with the heart quietly thumping in your chest. But to get a fuller picture of the mind, you need to start looking below the neck. These matters of the heart are University of Sussex researcher Sarah Garfinkel’s speciality. Her recent work has built a strong case that both …
Resistance Radio – Don Salvatore – 11.06.16
Don Salvatore has a biology degree (BA) from Northeastern University in Boston. He has been an informal science educator since graduating, with the last 36 years at the Museum of Science in Boston, teaching many science topics to the general public and school groups that visit the Museum. He is currently the coordinator of the Firefly Watch citizen science project, which started in 2008. Since the program’s beginning, they have had over 5,000 people from 40 states and 6 Canadian provinces participate – collecting firefly data in their back yards. He also writes short stories about the nature one can find in one’s back yard and posts them on a web site – Backyard Biology ( Today we talk about fireflies.
Carolanne Wright – Scientists Discover Instinctual “Reptilian” Region of the Brain Directly Linked to Compassion and Happiness
We’ve all had those kinds of days where everything seems to go wrong. You’re running late, and hit every single stoplight from home to work. Kids are uncooperative. You forget your phone (and wallet). You spill coffee down the front your shirt. And so it goes. Nothing overly shocking, it happens to everyone now and again, but science is finding …
Does Language Influence How You See The World?
The language you are introduced to affects the structure of your brain, influences how you see the world and who you are. But what if you speak two languages? Can learning a language rewire your brain? As our species evolved parts of our brain expanded, resulting in more computing power for language. It’s what makes us hard-wired for communication. What …
Understanding the Difference Between Emotions and Feelings – and Why It Matters – Debbie Hampton
Although feelings and emotions are two sides of the same coin, they are very distinct events and understanding the difference can help you increase your emotional intelligence and happiness. Emotions originate in the subcortical regions of the brain, the amygdala and the ventromedial prefrontal cortices, and create biochemical reactions in the body altering your physical state which originally helped our species …