Ancient women were the wise leaders.
Visionaries – 09.26.16
Joseph Campbell.” Campbell was a mythologist, writer and lecturer, best known for his work in comparative mythology and religion. We will discuss Campbell with Bob Walter, the president of the Joseph Campbell Foundation.
Visionaries – 09.19.16
Luis Arana, senior artificial intelligence engineer for Robots Without Borders. Luis’s focus is building humanitarian AI systems and robotics to solve widespread problems in society, especially in impoverished and under-served parts of the world. We will discuss how AI and robotics will change our world. Hosted by John Lobell, we talk with visionaries – people in the arts, …
Carolanne Wright – Renowned Harvard Psychologist Says ADHD is Largely a Fraud
Viewed by academics as one of the most influential psychologists of the 20th century, Jerome Kagan ranked above Carl Jung (the founder of analytical psychology) and Ivan Pavlov (who discovered the Pavlovian reflex) in a 2002 American Psychological Association ranking of the eminent psychologists. He is well-known for his pioneering work in developmental psychology at Harvard University, where he has spent decades documenting how babies and small children …