In the first half of the show, Mickey and Peter speak with three student researchers at San Francisco State University, and their faculty advisor, about their current Project Censored research, and about innovative new approaches to journalism itself. Then Chase Palmieri of makes a return visit to the show, to offer an update on Tribeworthy’s progress. Tribeworthy’s purpose is …
Let’s Create A Better World – 11.08.17
More than anything else, eating meat contributes heavily to global warming and climate change. Jane Velez-Mitchell, animal rights activist and journalist, author and widely known for her work on television including specials on CNN, talks about how eating meat also causes major health problems such as heart disease, strokes, cancer, dementia and alzheimer’s. Jane also talked about what we can …
Expat Files – 10.29.17
#1- There has been a striking absence of political correctness, big brother influence, social justice warrior types and so-called snowflakes here in Latin America-excepting in certain gringoized tourist areas and public Latin university campuses. Because Latin America is a macho society, the culture is a good 25 years behind when it comes to political correctness of any kind. Funny thing …
Expat Files – 10.20.17
#1- When Gringos go “Native”. A small percentage do go native and its generally a sad thing to see, but not always. The signs are obvious- perpetually disheveled, sweaty, same smudged baggy shirt and pants, raggedy old sandals, slightly odoriferous. And bad smells prevail in the native gringo’s house too- the scent of dogs, cats, garbage and driveway chickens. Look …
Expat Files – 10.15.17
#1- Everything you need to know about hiring, firing and interviewing domestics, maids, and cleaning ladies. Interviewees are coming from a completely different lifestyle, world view and social situation than you, so then what questions should you be asking in a interview? How much should you pay? What about benefits, hours and time off? Will she want to be on …
Resistance Radio – Guest: James Howard Kunstler – 09.03.17
Download this episode (right click and save) James Howard Kunstler is the author of many books including (non-fiction) The Geography of Nowhere, The City in Mind: Notes on the Urban Condition, Home from Nowhere, The Long Emergency, and Too Much Magic: Wishful Thinking, Technology and the Fate of the Nation. His novels include World Made By Hand, The Witch of …
I Eat Green – Guest: Rene Rodriguez Carazas – 07.20.17
Chef Rene Rodriguez is the owner and chef of Tawa Restaurant located in the heart of the Sacred Valley in Peru. It is a small, family operated, intimate restaurant, specializing in local, Peruvian cuisine, using organic ingredients with many vegetarian and gluten free options. Chef Rene has cooked in some of the finest restaurants in Lima, before deciding to open his own restaurant in …
Expat Files – 07.07.17
#1- Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini- all infamous and despicable names from the past, right? Well not necessarily for citizens of South America. Those names and faces don’t always carry the negative images as we might expect. In fact some actually name their kids after these guys. Why? In part because Argentina’s Eva Peron and her husband Juan (presidents from 1946 …
Expat Files – 06.30.17
#1- When you overstay your tourist visa you are in effect an illegal alien in a Latin country. So then what happens next? What can happen if you stay a very very long time beyond your tourist visa expiration date? #2 Having two passports: that 2nd one can be a life saver and a kind of get out of jail …
Expat Files – 06.23.17
#1- Getting off the grid and off the radar: You can do it to a significant degree in Latin America and here’s how.. #2 House swapping: is that a viable option for gringos and expats who go back an forth between the US and Latin America? Maybe so but look out. There are many pitfalls, especially if you are a …