It’s All About Food – Paul Shapiro, Clean Meat – 01.16.18

Featured guest: Paul Shapiro, Clean Meat Paul Shapiro is the author of Clean Meat: How Growing Meat Without Animals Will Revolutionize Dinner and the World(published by Simon & Schuster’s Gallery Books). A TEDx speaker and the founder of Compassion Over Killing, for 13 years Shapiro also served as a spokesperson and vice president for The Humane Society of the United States. Shapiro is a …

Resistance Radio – Jay Tiernan – 01.08.17

In April 1997 after only a few months of being involved in hunt sabotage and environmental activism Jay Tiernan became well known in the U.K. animal rights scene when at a demonstration against a breeder for beagle dogs for vivisection he climbed onto the roof of a building with one of those dogs (something he later went to prison for). A riot ensued and after another very violent demonstration a month later “Consort Beagle Kennels” closed down, he became heavily involved in a variety of animal liberation campaigns until summer 2000 when a fellow activist was nearly killed during a publicity stunt he’d helped organise. At that point he retired from activism, returning in the summer of 2012 to set up the campaign against the then-planned badger culls. As a spokesperson for the campaign, the bulk of his energy goes into using social media and working out creative ways to get into the mainstream media. The badger cull campaign has gone from a handful of people four years ago to now well over a hundred active people on any single night during the six week annual badger culls.

Agustina Larrea – ‘Experts call Latin America ‘the world’s scrapyard for pesticides’

Although agrochemical products, pesticides and genetically modified crops are today part of everyday life for those who live in the countryside, they are relatively new in Argentina. Very few people, apart from enviromental activists, question their use. Yet the consequences — in both the short and the long term — of their impact on the health of those living near …

A combined carbon and sugar tax could have environmental and health benefits

A combination of a carbon tax on food and a tax on sugary drinks in the UK could lead to health benefits, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and raise up to GB£3.6 billion revenue, according to research published in the open access journal BMC Public Health. Lead researcher, Adam Briggs from the University of Oxford, said: “Agriculture is responsible for up to …