David R. Montgomery is a MacArthur Fellow and professor of geomorphology at the University of Washington. He is an internationally recognized geologist who studies landscape evolution and the effects of geological processes on ecological systems and human societies. An author of award-winning popular-science books, he has been featured in documentary films, network and cable news, and on a wide variety of TV and radio programs, including …
Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 03.08.18
RUSSIA and election theft today with heroes of democracy JOHN BRAKEY and CHRIS SAUTTER as we assess the power of the Manchurian Mafia and the dawn of new voting machine technology. This primer on vote fraud and the dawn of verified voting is the new bottom line on our balloting future. Nobody knows more about the nuts and volts of …
The Working Life Podcast With Jonathan Tasini
EPISODE 68: EXPOSING THE POLITICAL TERMITES AT WORK; MENTAL CLINICIANS BEAT BACK KAISER I love this description of the people burrowing deep inside government agencies to screw the people: political termites. And it comes courtesy of investigative journalist David Cay Johnston who returns to the podcast to discuss with me his new book, “It’s Even Worse Than You Think: What The …
The Conspiracy Guy – 01.31.18
Conspiracy Guy Show #61: The State of the Union may not have generate much in the way of new policies, but some of what the President had to say was striking, such as keeping Guantanamo open (for pedophiles and corrupt government officials(?)) and that we should not be sending foreign aid to nation’s that are not our friends. If that …
NEW SHOW ALERT: The Conspiracy Guy – 03.01.17
he Conspiracy Guy #14: Donald Trumps first speech to Congress hit it out of the park. Even CNN had to acknowledge its tremendous positive reception by the public, with 57% reacting “very positive” and another 21% “somewhat positive”, with only 21% “negative”. His introduction of a program to assist victims of crime committed by immigrants was characterized as a recipe for “genocide”, which is simply absurd. The news stories that his Chief of Staff had asked the FBI to shoot down stories about RussiaGate ignored that the Deputy Director of the FBI told Reince Priebus that reports in The New York Times were “complete bullshit”. Attempts to portray Trump as “out of touch with reality” are refuted by case after case where he was right and the press was wrong, including terrorists mingling with refugees, the Obama “birther” issue, Rafael Cruz in Ne Orleans with Lee Harvey Oswald, fraudulent votes cast in the 2016 election, that Obamacare is costing twice as much for half as much, and the dramatic increase of rapes in Sweden caused by the influx of immigrants. More recent revelations confirm that PizzaGate has been a mechanism for controlling politicians through blackmail conducted by the CIA and the Mossad, whose power over Congress will be dramatically lessened as Trump moves forward to “drain the swamp”.