PATRICK COCKBURN – Why Politicians Are to Blame for Most Terrorist Attacks

European political leaders are making the same mistake in reacting to the massacre at the Christmas fair in Berlin, in which 12 died, as they did during previous terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels. There is an over-concentration on the failings of the security services in not identifying and neutralising the Tunisian petty criminal, Anis Amri, as the threat he turned …

Bob Burnett – Trump and Hitler

It’s impossible to read Volker Ulrich’s remarkable biography, “Hitler, Ascent: 1889-1939,” without being struck by the parallels between Adolph Hitler and Donald Trump. 1.They were both charismatic political leaders. Watching grainy newsreel footage of Hitler speaking, it’s difficult to imagine what a hypnotic spell he cast on his pre-war German audiences. Just as it’s difficult to understand the impact of …

William Cook – Angela Merkel wants to be liberal Europe’s answer to Donald Trump

So, Angela Merkel has ignored the Spectator’s advice and has decided to run for a fourth term as German Chancellor in next year’s federal elections. If she wins and serves a full term, she’ll overtake Helmut Kohl as the longest serving German Chancellor since Bismarck. What does Merkel’s bid for four more years mean for Germany – and Britain? And …

Scandalous Poll: 84% of Ukrainians want Putin as their president

The Ukrainian publication Nedelya.UA conducted a poll among its readers asking the following question: “Which politician would you entrust with the governance of your country?”  The survey was participated in by 41,600 readers and showed the following figures: 84% (34,900) of Ukrainian respondents want to see Vladimir Putin as president of Ukraine. In second place with 5% (2,000) was Belarusian …

Jeffrey Jaxen – WIKILEAKS RELEASES: A Vote for Clinton is a Vote for Big Pharma & Mandatory Vaccination

Clinton has never been one to shy away from big corporate money to serve as the lifeblood of her campaign momentum. Despite Clinton’s proclamation that she’s proud to call the pharmaceutical industry her enemy, her campaign has led the pack receiving the most pharmaceutical, corporate and individual contributions. Hillary Clinton has made little attempt to play politics or engage in double …

Spain: Thousands Rally Against TTIP And CETA In Madrid

Over 10,000 people rallied against the TTIP, CETA and TISA trans-atlantic free trade agreements in Madrid, Saturday. Both NGO’s and local political groups took part in the huge march to protest against the multinational trade agreements. Protesters carried large banners with messages like ‘People and planet over multinational [corporations] – No to poverty, no to inequality, no to TTIP.’ Read …

Lauren Longo – Women Work Four Years Longer Than Men, Unpaid

Worldwide, women work an average of four years longer than men because of additional unpaid responsibilities, like housework and childcare, according to a new report. Four years. Imagine what you could do with four years. You could travel the world, write a book, master a new skill or watch absolutely everything on Netflix. There’s nothing wrong with caring for others and we all have …

U.S. Bond Market’s Biggest Buyers Are Selling Like Never Before

Central banks have cut Treasuries for three straight quarters Pullback may be a sign the bond market is at a tipping point Share on FacebookShare on Twitter They’ve long been one of the most reliable sources of demand for U.S. government debt. But these days, foreign central banks have become yet another worry for investors in the world’s most important …