Edward Schmitt is President of the Board of the Alaska Wildlife Alliance and Chairman of the Board of the Kenai Area Fisherman’s Coalition. He is a retired surgeon and rancher. He lives in Soldotna Alaska along the Kenai River. Download this episode (right click and save)
Visionaries – 02.05.17
Visionaries – 02.05.18 February 5, 2018 “Rita McMahon of the Wild Bird Fund.” If you find an injured bird in New York City, there is a place you can bring it where it will be cared for — the Wild Bird Fund. Find them at https://www.wildbirdfund.org. My wife, Alissa Grimaldi (http://alissagrimaldi.com) joins me in interviewing Rita McMahon, co-founder of the Wild Bird …
Leid Stories—State of Disunion 2018: A People’s Assessment of Donald Trump and His Administration—01.29.18
When he addressed Congress and the nation last year, Donald Trump was fresh from his inauguration as the 45th president of the United States and just five weeks on the job. His State of the Union address, therefore, focused more on campaign themes and about challenges ahead than about accomplishments. But tomorrow, when Trump delivers his first real State of the Union message …
Resistance Radio – Guest: laura cunningham – 01.14.18
Laura Cunningham is an artist-naturalist, author, and biologist, who also co-founded a conservation organization, Basin and Range Watch that works towards saving the California and Nevada deserts. She is the author/illustrator of the extraordinary book A State of Change: Forgotten Landscapes of California. Download this episode (right click and save)
LOA Today – 12.28.17
How People Who Drink Socially And Party Can Attract Their Greatest Dreams LOA teaching emphasizes feeling good in order to attract your dreams into reality in your life. Can social partyers attract their greatest dreams? If so, how can they do it? Download this episode (right click and save)
LOA Daily – 12.08.17
Telling Better Feeling Stories Here’a a great way to get Your Daily Dose Of Happy. Change your story! No, we don’t mean you should set yourself up to get caught in some sting operation and get nabbed by the police. Not at all! We mean change the depressing, miserable, or abused parts of your own life story to a new …
When NYC entrepreneur Jacqueline Wolfson was on the cusp of a milestone birthday she packed her bags and jetted off to Africa to clear her mind and relax, though what she experienced in Africa lead her to develop The Shule Foundation (www.shulefoundation.org). Dedicated to educating children and providing hope and opportunity through the organizations program, The Shule Foundation has taken invisible kids …
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 11.01.17
My marvelous guest is Pam Popper PhD who is devoting her life to informed decision-making in medicine, which includes informed nutrition and informed mental health. You can meet me and Pam in person next week in Columbus, Ohio at her conference, November 10-12. I’m cosponsoring and have invited the great Danish critic of psychiatry, Peter Gøtzsche, to be there, too! Meanwhile, this is an …
James Raffone’s son was diagnosed with duchenne muscular dystrophy 4 years ago and his father hasn’t stopped moving since through his creation of the Jar of Hope Foundation which spreads awareness, raises vital funds and works with the medical community in developing a cure. Join James and his family Saturday September 16, 2017 along with over 2,000 participants to set a new …
Leid Stories—What Is the Most Urgently Needed Change We Must Make As A Nation?—07.05.17
In the aftermath of the patriotism that the Fourth of July usually summons up, Leid Stories brings us back to reality with a sobering question: What Is the Most Urgently Needed Change We Must Make As A Nation? Download this episode (right click and save)