Skipping across the country to promote and sell her recently released book, “What Happened”—her explanation for why she lost the 2016 election to Donald J. Trump—Hillary Clinton gives no hint that there’s much more than meets the eye. But there is. Leid Stories explains what she’s hiding. Download this episode (right click and save)
Trends This Week – “America first” – 07.26.17
The US House of Representatives has passed a bill to impose sanctions against Russia. Allegations that Russia hacked the US 2016 election, along with other incessant propaganda put out by the media, have turned Putin and Russia into public enemy number one. Tune in to Trends this Week to find out more. Download this episode (right click and save)
ROBERT FISK – Amnesia at the UN: the Massacres Samantha Power Conveniently Forgot to Mention
So there was Samantha Power doing her “shame” bit in the UN. “Is there no act of barbarism against civilians, no execution of a child that gets under your skin, that just creeps you out a little bit?”, America’s ambassador to the UN asked the Russians and Syrians and Iranians. She spoke of Halabja, Rwanda, Srebrenica “and, now, Aleppo”. Odd, …
Norman Solomon – Democrats Launch New McCarthyism
On Tuesday, Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and six ranking members of major House committees sent President Obama a letter declaring, “We are deeply concerned by Russian efforts to undermine, interfere with, and even influence the outcome of our recent election.” A prominent signer of the letter — Rep. Adam Schiff, D-California, the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee …
Scandalous Poll: 84% of Ukrainians want Putin as their president
The Ukrainian publication Nedelya.UA conducted a poll among its readers asking the following question: “Which politician would you entrust with the governance of your country?” The survey was participated in by 41,600 readers and showed the following figures: 84% (34,900) of Ukrainian respondents want to see Vladimir Putin as president of Ukraine. In second place with 5% (2,000) was Belarusian …
Nadia Prupis – New Report Finds People-Powered Energy Revolution is Very Possible
A people-powered energy revolution—an era in which people can produce their own electricity—is possible, and could happen soon, according to a new report released Monday by the environmental group Friends of the Earth Europe (FOEE). The report, The Potential of Energy Citizens in the European Union (pdf), finds that over half the residents of the E.U. could be generating their …
Gilbert Doctorow = Russian Hardliners Gain from US Putin-Bashing
Last week, Hillary Clinton told reporters on her campaign plane that the Russians are trying to disrupt the U.S. elections to discredit the process and sow discord among Americans. This goes one step further than her previous charges of Russian influence thought the “Kremlin’s candidate,” Donald Trump, or still earlier, the claim that the Democratic National Committee’s server had been …
Daniel Lazare – Hillary Clinton’s ‘Exceptionalist’ Warpath
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the most right-wing presidential candidate of all? The answer used to be Donald Trump, famous for his naked bigotry toward Mexicans and Muslims. But that was before Hillary Clinton supporters took a page from the old Joe McCarthy handbook and began denouncing their Republican opponent as “an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation” or arguing …