Smart Show (goharrison) with Cary Harrison – 12.21.15

ANTARCTIC ICE DRILLS: knowing whether rising carbon dioxide levels played a part, along with factors such as changes in Earth’s rotational tilt – would help scientists to better understand how ice sheets will behave as the world warms

Guest 1: Al Jazeera America’s Jake Ward

Inside Hitler’s Secret Nazi Bunkers (Exclusive)

Guest 2: Cary harrison takes you under Berlin’s current subway system into the 3rd Reich’s recently-discovered bunker systems.

Alex Kirby – Climate heads for irreversible change

PARIS, 9 December, 2015 – Some of the world’s coldest places, on land and sea, may be plunged into an unstoppable transition to a climate system most scientists believe has not existed for 35-50 million years. The almost immediate consequences would include the loss of reliable water resources for millions of people, and the start of a process leading to …

Tim Radford – West Antarctic ice cascades towards crisis

Just a few more decades of ocean warming would be enough to destabilise the relatively small region of ice by the Amundsen Sea − starting a cascade of slipping and sliding that would tip enough ice into the ocean to raise sea levels by three metres. The loss of ice would continue for centuries. Two scientists at the Potsdam Institute …

New Study Shows Antarctic Melting Approaching ‘Unstoppable’ Tipping Point

‘What we call the eternal ice of Antarctica unfortunately turns out not to be eternal at all,’ says lead author of new study A new study published Monday warns that “unstoppable” melting in West Antarctica could make a three-meter increase in sea level “unavoidable.” According to researchers at Germany’s Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, the vulnerable Amundsen Sea sector …

Michael T. Klare – Welcome to a New Planet Climate Change “Tipping Points” and the Fate of the Earth

Not so long ago, it was science fiction. Now, it’s hard science — and that should frighten us all. The latest reports from the prestigious and sober Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) make increasingly hair-raising reading, suggesting that the planet is approaching possible moments of irreversible damage in a fashion and at a speed that had not been anticipated. …

Andrea Germanos – NASA: World ‘Locked Into’ at Least 3 Feet of Sea Level Rise

New research underway indicates that at least three feet of global sea level rise is near certain, NASA scientists warned Wednesday. That’s the higher range of the 1 to 3 feet level of rise the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) gave in its 2013 assessment. Sea levels have already risen 3 inches on average since 1992, with some areas …

We May Have Already Committed Ourselves to 6-Meter Sea-Level Rise – Pete Dolack

Even if humanity were to stop throwing carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere today, a catastrophic rise in sea levels of six meters may be inevitable. Two previous prehistoric interglacial periods, in which the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere was believed to be about what it is today, resulted in dramatic rising of the oceans. High-latitude ice sheets …

World’s Oceans Could Rise Higher, Sooner, Faster Than Most Thought Possible – Jon Queally

If a new scientific paper is proven accurate, the international target of limiting global temperatures to a 2°C rise this century will not be nearly enough to prevent catastrophic melting of ice sheets that would raise sea levels much higher and much faster than previously thought possible. “Parts of [our coastal cities] would still be sticking above the water, but …

Strong geothermal heating measured beneath West Antarctic Ice Sheet – SPACE DAILY

A surprisingly high amount of geothermal heating has been measured underneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet by researchers at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Using a lengthy probe, researchers measured the flow of heat in the sediments below the ice sheet. A significant flow of heat is traveling upward form the geothermal sources toward the base of the ice. …

Global sea levels have risen six meters or more with just slight global warming

A new review analyzing three decades of research on the historic effects of melting polar ice sheets found that global sea levels have risen at least six meters, or about 20 feet, above present levels on multiple occasions over the past three million years. What is most concerning, scientists say, is that amount of melting was caused by an increase …