Jules Dufour – The Worldwide Network of US Military Bases

Global Research Editor’s Note This important analysis and review of US military might by distinguished Canadian geographer Professor Jules Dufour and CRG Research Associate was first published by Global Research in 2007. US military presence around the World has expanded dramatically in the course of the last five years.  This study is largely based on data for the period 2001-2005. …

Turkey’s President gives Hitler example in call for powers boost

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan who wants to expand the powers of his office, has cited Hitler’s Germany as an example of a presidential political system. Asked whether the system he wants could exist within a “unitary state”, Mr Erdogan told reporters that Adolf Hitler’s Germany was one example in history, among others, where the presidential system had functioned. Mr …

David Lindsay – Maltese ships owned by Turkish president’s son being implicated in ISIS oil trade

As Russia continues to accuse Turkey and its presidential family of directly benefitting from the trade in oil with the Islamic State, it transpires that the oil tankers allegedly involved in the illicit business are registered in Malta and all fly the Maltese flag. Moreover, at least one of dozens of companies set up in Malta by Azerbaijani billionaire Mubariz …