Did you know that ADHD kids have smaller brains? The esteemed British journal Lancet and 80 plus authors say so, and the media has spread the news.  We must be grateful to my guest, Michael Corrigan, EdD, an educator and researcher, for debunking the study, and looking at what is really going on with this fraudulent diagnosis. Claiming that ADHD …
A Just Cause Radio – Closing Federal Prison Camps Will Save Taxpayers over $1 Billion – 05.07.17
The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks our AJC Radio Hosts will be discussing federal prison camps, which are considered “out-custody” facilities without fences or walls posing questions in regards to the wisdom of the federal government wasting billions of tax dollars of welfare-style appropriations for non-violent able-bodied men and women being housed at federal prison camps when home confinement with an …