Valerie Burke – Ozone Therapy Is Powerful Medicine

This little-known therapy is being used by 40,000 physicians and dentists in more than 50 countries for everything from herniated disks to endodontic infections to Lyme disease, with no virtually adverse effects. Until the turn of the century, ozone therapy has remained somewhat of a “best kept medical secret” in North America. This is a shame because it can be a safe, …

The Gary Null Show – 09.23.16

Today On The Gary Null Show, Gary talks with guest Prof. Emrys Westacott on The Wisdom of Frugality – a time for us to reconsider the benefits of living a more simple life. Prof Emrys Westacott is a professor of philosophy at Alfred University in Western New York State, where he has focused on issues related to ethics, the history of philosophy, and …

Popeye was right: There’s energy in that spinach

Using a simple membrane extract from spinach leaves, researchers from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have developed a bio-photo-electro-chemical (BPEC) cell that produces electricity and hydrogen from water using sunlight. The raw material of the device is water, and its products are electric current, hydrogen and oxygen. The findings were published in the August 23 online issue of Nature Communications. The …

Charles Seife – How the FDA Manipulates the Media

It was a faustian bargain—and it certainly made editors at National Public Radio squirm. The deal was this: NPR, along with a select group of media outlets, would get a briefing about an upcoming announcement by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration a day before anyone else. But in exchange for the scoop, NPR would have to abandon its reportorial …

TOM PHILPOTT – UTIs Are Horrible and Soon There Will Be No Drugs That Can Help You

A superbug that can shake off a last-ditch antibiotic called colistin has been alarming the global health community since 2015. It first turned up in hogs on a Chinese farm and has since been found in 30 other countries, including the United States. According to a new paper by Rutgers and Columbia University researchers, colistin-resistant E. coli has been here since August 2014 at the latest—and the particular strain they …

The Gary Null Show – 07.05.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary discussed many topics from around the world and gave people a lot to think about and hopefully help change what is happening. He started with health news and took calls as well. Listen and then read and go help.

GI tract bacteria helps decrease stroke

Men who eat soy may have lower lung cancer risk

Chaga mushroom and cancer

Common antibiotics found to cause delirium and other brain disorders

Gary takes a quick music break and plays: Gladys Knight – I’ve Got To Use My Imagination

Over 5,300 U.S. Water Systems are in Violation of the Law — Poisoning Millions
Obama administration approved Gulf fracking during Deepwater Horizon disaster

America’s suicide epidemic is a national security crisis

World’s low-cost economy built on the backs of 46 million modern day slaves

Imperialism Obama style: 800 military bases around the world

New study quantifies U.S. fascism — Nearly half of all retired Congress members become lobbyists

Look at the lobbyists Clinton and Wasserman Schultz Picked to write the Democratic party’s platform

Haiti: Where the earthquake money did and did not go

The Rise of the Illegitimate Authority of Transnational Corporations

Video: We Are America ft. John Cena

Gary ends the shows with some listeners calling in.

The Gary Null Show – 06.29.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary tell us some news on Health and Healing and then discusses the terror that is all over. Listen and enjoy.

Cannabinoids remove plaque-forming Alzheimer’s proteins from brain cells

Parsley and dill help fight cancer, research shows

Stress leads to rapid spread of cancer: Aust’n researchers

Aerobic exercise and CVD in women with fatty liver disease

White tea could keep you Healthy And Looking Young

Scientists find evidence linking Parkinson’s to autoimmune disease

Antibiotics can stop the growth of new brain cells and impair memory’

Gary takes a quick music break featuring – Jermaine Jackson – Let’s get serious

2008 all over again by Chris Hedges

Gary takes another quick break to let you hear this diddy: Love T.K.O. ~ Teddy Pendergrass

VIDEO: Clinton’s likely Pentagon chief calls for MORE war

VIDEO: Mount Rushmore: What country is it located in? Fails! – Man on the street with Mark Dice

The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – Digestive Health and The Fast Tract Diet – 05.17.16

Ellen Kamhi, PhD, RN, interviews Norman Robillard, Ph.D.,. Dr. Robillard is the Founder of the Digestive Health Institute is a leading gut health expert. He turned his own suffering from GERD and occasional IBS into a mission to create the drug and antibiotic free Fast Tract Diet for functional gastrointestinal disorders, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and related conditions. His Fast Tract Digestion book series explains why drugs and antibiotics are not addressing the underlying causes of these conditions and provides a science-based, safe and effective 3 pillar approach (1. dietary, 2. behavioral, 3. identifying and addressing underlying causes). The Fast Tract Diet has been endorsed by the New York Times Best Seller Co-author – Dr. Michael Eades, GI Surgeon – Dr. Alan Hu, Certified Osteopathic Practitioner – Dr. Lisa Vaughan as well as certified nutritionists. The Fast Tract Diet mobile app gives you the means to put the diet into action without help of nutritionists or dietitians. For more information, visit

iEat Green – Tamar Haspel – 04.14.16

Tamar Haspel is a journalist who’s been on the food and science beat for the best part of two decades. She writes a monthly Washington Post column, Unearthed, which covers food supply issues: biotech, pesticides, food additives, antibiotics, organics, nutrition, and food policy. The column has earned a James Beard award nomination each of its two years, winning in 2015, and one of her columns was selected for Best Food Writing 2015. Haspel is knee-deep in the public food conversation, and speaks frequently at venues where the debates about our food supply play out, including the National Academy of Sciences, food- and ag-related conferences, and SXSW.

When she’s tired of the heavy lifting of journalism, she gets dirty. She and her husband, Kevin Flaherty, raise their own chickens, catch their own fish, grow their own tomatoes, hunt their own venison, and generally try to stay connected to the idea that food has to come from somewhere. They also have an oyster farm, Barnstable Oyster, where they grown about 50,000 oysters a year in the beautiful waters off Cape Cod. Haspel revels in the idea that New York diners pay $3. a pop for their product, and she can eat as many as she wants.