Daffy Donald proposes to ban Muslims from entering the U.S., while journalist Glenn Greenwald recently reported on the frightening upsurge in attacks on Muslims. As…
This November, a wave of student activism drew attention to the problem of racism at colleges and universities in the United States. Sparked by protests…
The first thing any thinking person learns about the Internet is not to trust everything you see there. While you can find much well-researched and reliable…
We Have Our Own Debates on “Free Your Mind Friday!” Waiting for the next round of televised, lip-flapping, corporate-media Q&A sessions they’re calling “debates?” Fuggeddaboudit!…
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton sent a letter to media mogul Haim Saban, a mega-donor, assuring him that she would make countering the global Boycott,…
By suggesting that the state of Israel should not exist, I am not being anti-Semitic. I am, however, being anti-Zionist. There is a distinct difference.…