While most people point to Citizens United as the case that opened the door to big money in U.S. elections, the lesser-known 2010 appeals court ruling in SpeechNow.org v. FEC is perhaps just as blameworthy—one legal scholar says the decision “gave birth to the super PAC takeover of American politics.” Now, a bipartisan group of lawmakers, congressional candidates, and campaign …
John Feffer – Hillary Clinton and the Neocons
Much has been made of the swing in political allegiances of neoconservatives in favor of Hillary Clinton. As a group, Washington’s neocons are generally terrified of Trump’s unpredictability and his flirtation with the alt-right. They also support Clinton’s more assertive foreign policy (not to mention her closer relationship to Israel). Perhaps, too, after eight long years in the wilderness, they’re …
Leid Stories—High-Level U.S. Intelligence Operatives Mount Opposition to Clintons’ ‘Civil Coup’ of U.S. Government. Hillary’s Presidential Run, Clinton Foundation in the Crosshairs—11.03.16
In an almost surreal Election 2016 development, a former deputy assistant secretary of state announced yesterday that high-level operatives in the U.S. intelligence community, outraged by a Clinton-orchestrated “coup” of the U.S. government through “corruption, cooptation and cronyism,” as of yesterday began a “countercoup” to torpedo Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid and dislodge an entrenched Clinton-directed shadow government.
Leid Stories—Election 2016: What’s Shaping/Shaped Your Political Choice? (Part 2)—09.13.16
An avalanche of calls from listeners wanting to participate in yesterday’s discussion leads to Part 2 today. Leid Stories returns to our “poll” tracking attitudes about the 2016 presidential election, the issues driving it, and the combined effect on individual political decisions on Election Day and beyond.
GERALD SUSSMAN – American Elections: Weapons of Mass Distraction
Now that the agitprop babble of the conventions is behind us, we might ask, what is all this showman/woman/ship all about? Does the election of the president even matter? On some level perhaps, but the main utility of presidential elections is simply that it’s a weapon of mass distraction – creating a fiction that presidents actually rule and that voters …
Alex Kotch – Inside Charles Koch’s Plot to Hijack Universities Across America and Spread His Radical ‘Free-Market’ Propaganda
The public is starting to catch up with the reality that Charles Koch is not only a major spender on building his own ideological institutions. Over the past decade, Koch has funded colleges and universities to bend them in his direction, often funding “free-market” academic centers. Mostly through his personal foundation, Koch gave $108 million [3] to 366 colleges and universities from 2005 …
Renee Bracey Sherman – What the War on Reproductive Rights Has to do With Poverty and Race
When Justice Harry A. Blackmun authored the decision legalizing abortion in Roe v. Wade, he wrote that “[t]he right of personal privacy includes the abortion decision, but this right is not unqualified and must be considered against important state interests in regulation.” Although this was a win for those seeking to both legalize abortion and prevent harm inflicted on people seeking illegal …
James DiEugenio – How CBS News Aided the JFK Cover-up
In the mid-1960s, amid growing skepticism about the Warren Commission’s lone-gunman findings on John F. Kennedy’s assassination, there was a struggle inside CBS News about whether to allow the critics a fair public hearing at the then-dominant news network. Some CBS producers pushed for a debate between believers and doubters and one even submitted a proposal to put the Warren …
Arn Pearson – CMD Exclusive: Why I Chose to Get Arrested in Defense of Our Democracy
On Monday, I joined hundreds of fellow citizens who were arrested as part of a non-violent act of civil disobedience on the steps of our U.S. Capitol. I stood with people of all ages and all walks of life as part of a growing movement to reclaim an America that guarantees the unimpeded right to vote for all and a …
While Clinton Backed 2011 Trade Deal, Sanders Foresaw Panama Papers Fiasco
‘Panama is a world leader when it comes to allowing wealthy Americans and large corporations to evade US taxes,’ Sanders told Congress in 2011. Who could have predicted that the global tax evasion by the world’s ultra-rich, made public this week with the release of the Panama Papers, was ushered in with the help of a free trade agreement? Turns out, Sen. Bernie Sanders …