Download this episode (right click and save) Vince Emanuele talks about the importance of organizational vision and structure.  He also dives into things that work and do not work for organizing.  This clip is from his show on The Progressive Radio Network titled Meditations and Molotovs which airs every Monday at 2:00 pm eastern time. Link to Rob’s website:  Link to Rob’s new …
Flipping the Script: Rethinking Working-Class Resistance By Henry A. Giroux
I have often thought about when that moment came in which my working class sensibility turned into a form of critical class consciousness. For most of my youth, I was defined by ruling-class types and mainstream institutions through my deficits, which amounted to not having the skills and capacities to do anything but become either a cop or firefighter. For …
Sowing The GM Seeds Of Depopulation? – Colin Todhunter
If physical violence is to be used only as a final resort, a dominant class must seek to gain people’s consent if it is to govern and control a population. It must attempt to legitimize its position in the eyes of the ruled over by achieving a kind of ‘consented coercion’ that disguises the true fist of power. This can …