Advances in medicine and efforts to prevent chronic diseases are lengthening the healthy life span of Americans. They are also helping create a new and highly productive segment of the workforce: seniors. Women especially will benefit, since a woman turning 65 today can expect to live on average until 86.6 years. And those are just averages. About one out of …
Resistance Radio – Alicen Grey – 10.23.16
Alicen Grey is an award winning writer based in New York City. You can read more of her work at Today we talk about pedophile culture, and what we can do to stop it.
This Can’t Be Happening – 10.12.16
Host Dave Lindorff talks with Keegan Stephan, law student, activist and writer working with attorneys and Black Lives Matters activist in a lawsuit to force the NYPD to come clean and disclose the extent of undercover infiltration of the Black Lives Matter movement that the department has been engaged in since its inception. The case developed out of an FOIA request concerning such infiltration of a Black Lives Matter protest last year in Grand Central Station.
Simple Living: How to Save Money and Smile More
Imagine a more satisfying way to live, with time to enjoy life’s simple pleasures. A quiet evening walk in the woods. Relaxed family meals of flavorful, homegrown food and with conversation, no TV in sight. Curling up with a good book in front of a crackling fire after a day of hard work in your garden … You can enjoy …
LOA Today – 08.11.16
Are you listening? If you listen closely, the universe and the many players and events in your life are giving you important clues to help you live more happily, successfully, and deliberately. But so many of us go through life failing to listen closely to the clues we receive. This week we discuss this key skill and how listening helps us to attract what we most want to attract in our lives.
How solar panels save everybody money
The solar panels of about 40,000 Massachusetts households and community groups cut electricity prices for all of the approximately three million electricity ratepayers in the state, even those without the panels, also called photovoltaics (PV) systems. “Until now, people have focused on how much was being saved by those who owned PV,” says Robert Kaufmann, professor of Earth and environment at Boston University. …
Love Lust And Laughter – 02.02.16
Michael Jonas and Brad Coates discuss ROMANCE as we ramp up to Valentine’s Day. Michael Jonas, co-creator of many romantic games – – joined Dr. Diana for the first half-hour. The same free downloads were offered again: go to his website and get a copy of either Romantic Interlude or Make-a-Date, using the code word Wiley. These games truly promote playful touch and supportive communication! To quote one enthusiastic user: “This game really helped us appreciate taking time to explore each other.” Brad Coates, author of “DIVORCE with DECENCY,” knows a thing or two about the importance of romance. He joined the program for the second half. We enjoyed Michael’s quote: “Texting and Tweeting is not touching and talking!” Most people need emotional and physical intimacy where they can turn off the world and turn each other on. Many are touch deprived and they yearn to talk more! Shared time becomes essential the more complex our daily lives become. On Valentine’s Day – or any day – always choose love, always choose love, always choose love!
Heart of Mind Radio – 01.29.16
On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis speaks to Yol Swan, author of The Indigo Journals: Spiritual Healing for Indigo Adults & Other Feminine Souls.
Yol Swan is a spiritual counselor, mentor and coach who has taken the understanding of the soul and the wounded Feminine to new cosmic depths.
A modern seer who perceives life as energy and is sensitive to other dimensions, she began channeling spiritual messages in her teenage journals and later developed a practical system of spiritual healing and energy management through more than 30 years exploring the mind and psyche, guided by her intuitive gifts, mystical experiences, and enlightened teachers from both Buddhist and Hindu traditions.
Once Yol realized she was an Indigo adult expressing the wounded Feminine on the planet, she noticed that some of her clients were also Indigos while most displayed many but not all of the Indigo features. While identifying the spiritual wounds and codependent patterns they all had in common, she discovered a Feminine-Masculine Soul Spectrum that explains essential differences between the many soul types inhabiting the Earth today.
She shares her journey and profound insights in her new book, The Indigo Journals: Spiritual Healing For Indigo Adults & Other Feminine Souls, where she presents an in- depth view of the wounded Feminine and Indigo archetype, as well as her spiritual healing system to help feminine souls—and anyone willing to explore their feminine side—unlock their hidden power, discover their purpose, and balance an overly masculine world to bring
in a new cosmic cycle of light.
Heart of Mind Radio – 01.07.16
In the first segment Kathryn Davis will offer an invitation to her series of events which start Wednesday, January 20th and continue the third Wednesday of the month till June.
In segment two: Kathryn speaks to David Young about his music for transformation and opportunity for rare Free live streaming of his concerts during January. (Link to registration below)
David Young is a twice Grammy Nominated Musician who plays two Renaissance flutes at one time in harmony. His music has been called “The Most Heavenly Music on Earth,” and is used in over 10,000 wellness centers with all kinds of healers and practitioners. He has recorded 57 albums and sold over 1,000,000 copies. He is a also a healer, channel, author, and artist. It is said that more people have had out of body experiences while listening to his music than other musician alive today.
John W. Whitehead – Playing The Government’s Game: When It Comes To Violence, We All Lose
“When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the system’s game. The establishment will irritate you – pull your beard, flick your face – to make you fight. Because once they’ve got you violent, then they know how to handle you. The only thing they don’t know how to handle is non-violence and humor.”—John Lennon …