Ben Norton – “We will not be silent”: American Jews hit the streets during Hanukkah to fight Islamophobia and racism Jewish Voice for Peace condemns “state-sanctioned Islamophobia & racism” and anti-refugee xenophobia this Hanukkah

This Hanukkah, Jews across the U.S. are taking to the street to rally against the Islamophobia and racism rampant in their communities. On each night in the eight-day-long religious holiday, Jewish activists are participating in protests against various forms of injustice in a campaign initiated by the Network Against Islamophobia, a project called for by national peace organizationJewish Voice for Peace …

What Women Must Know – Smart Meters and the Best Protection with Karl Heiman – 11.12.15

Karl Heiman currently owns and operates several small businesses and is on the Board of several nonprofit organizations. Prior to owning small businesses Karl Heiman was in the high technology business with over 22 years experience in semiconductor capital equipment in the field of semiconductor device fabrication using high power RF systems.

Nathan Schneider – Colorado Pushes for Universal Health Care That’s Governed by the People

First pot, now health. In November 2012, Colorado voters approved a ballot initiative that made recreational use of marijunana legal, despite a federal ban. In November of next year, the state will have the opportunity to lead the way again—this time, by opting out of Obamacare and replacing it with ColoradoCare, a universal health care system governed by those who …

Amy Hoak – Boomers feeling squeezed by the rise in rents

Will high rents force boomers to move in with their kids? Rising rents have been cited as a reason millennials aren’t moving out of their parents’ basements. But higher rents could force some boomers to move in with their children. So says Don Lawby, president of the Real Property Management franchise, a property management company based in Utah. He says …

It’s All About Food – Jenny Brown, Woodstock Farm Sanctuary – 10.20.15

Jenny Brown is a longtime animal rights activist and Co-Founder of Woodstock Farm Sanctuary in High Falls, NY–one the country’s most recognized and respected sanctuaries for farmed animals. She previously worked in film and television until when she went undercover in Texas to film farmed animal abuse. That experience led her to dedicate her life to helping farm animals and raise awareness of their plight. Jenny’s story and the work of her sanctuary has been featured in the New York Times,Cosmopolitan, Rolling Stone, New York Magazine, NPR’s The Diane Rehm Show and more. She is the author of The Lucky Ones: My Passionate Fight For Farm Animals. You can read more about her and the

Frida Berrigan – Parenting on the Brink

Madeline is in the swing, her face the picture of delight. “Mo, mo,” she cries and kicks her legs to show me that she wants me to push her higher and faster. I push, and push, and push with both hands. There is no thought in my head except for her joy. I’m completely present in this moment. It’s perfection. …

April M. Short – Why Now Is the Worst Time in American History to Be a Renter

If you’re having trouble keeping up with rent, you’re not alone. Renting in the U.S. has never been as expensive as it is right now. According to a new report [3] by the online real estate database Zillow, rents have never taken up this much of the American paycheck. Mortgage prices have remained relatively stable over the last several years, …

College kids’ homeless hell: Why a secret, massive crisis is getting even worse – MATTHEW SACCARO

With colleges spending billions on lavish housing developments, it’s easy to think that all students are living large. The sad reality? Student homelessness in higher education is a larger issue than most realize, with tens of thousands across the country homeless. There are questions on the FAFSA (free application for federal student aid) addressing homeless students — or “unaccompanied homeless …

1 in 4 US Renters Must Use Half Their Pay for Housing Costs – JOSH BOAK

More than one in four U.S. renters have to use at least half their family income to pay for housing and utilities. That’s the finding of an analysis of Census data by Enterprise Community Partners, a nonprofit that helps finance affordable housing. The number of such households has jumped 26 percent to 11.25 million since 2007. Since the end of …

Warren Buffett’s Mobile Home Empire Preys on the Poor

Denise Pitts walked into the pawn shop not far from where she bought her mobile home in Knoxville, Tennessee, and offered up her wedding rings for $100. Her marriage wasn’t over, but her husband was battling cancer and, Pitts said, her mortgage company told her the only way to keep a roof over his head would be to sell everything …