Nature Bats Last – 11.07.17

Todays esteemed guest on Nature Bats Last was Professor Paul Ehrlich, author of over 30 books and numerous peer reviewed science papers. We had a wide ranging dialogue about the unfolding 6th Great Extinction, the nuclear implications and the multiple failures of the Trump regime’ in Puerto Rico. Paul’s recent science paper on the unfolding biological annihilation is embedded in the …

Meria Heller – Stars R Us, with Meria and Joseph Anthony – 05.07.17

Stars R Us, with Meria and Joseph Anthony. The monthly astrology show for May. Major changes in government coming; frustration – losing sense of reality; 2,000 yr cycle;Mercury direct;Venus is direct; momentum rising; 2nd half of the month improves;Jupiter & Neptune alignment;Sun in Taurus-back to basics;How to manifest; detachment;Sun/Pluto alignment; guard your head and brain;Nodes changing; aim for happiness, creativity, …