Visionaries – 03.05.17

Lois Farfel Stark, author of “The Telling Image.” In her magnificently illustrated new book, award-winning documentary filmmaker Lois Farfel Stark reveals the human drama as a journey from the “webs” of round-thatched huts and stone circles, to the “urban ladders” of pyramids and skyscrapers organized by hierarchy and measurements, to today’s world of “interconnected networks.” In “The Telling Image” Stark …

The Infectious Myth – Chris Exley on High Aluminum Levels in Autistic Brains – 01.17.18

In episode 170, David speaks with Chris Exley about his recently published research that found extremely high levels of Aluminum in some areas of brains taken from deceased people diagnosed with autism. This research is not easy, as the number of brains and amounts of material available for analysis, are very limited. He explains why some of the criticisms are …

Ask Beatty – 10.10.16

October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. And who would have dreamed that a candidate running for President of the United States is a proud sexual and emotional predator of women!
And what is more shocking, is the fact that millions of men and women continue to enable and support him.
Listen to Beatty’s psychological analysis of Trump and why a Trump Presidency would ultimately doom America.

The Myths of US Exceptionalism – Jack Rasmus

One of the elements of cultural ideology in the USA is that the United States is somehow exceptional compared to other countries; that is, it is different in a number of positive ways that distinguish it from all other countries. Exceptional in Health, Education & Retirement? In a perverted way, there is some truth to this. The United States is …