Ask The Blood Detective – Health reformation – 03.18.17

Dr. Michael Wald host of, Ask The Blood Detective, delivers an impactful conversation outlining His top 25 “blood detective secrets” to overcome persistent health problems and to maximize your ability to delay the onset of diseases that are nutritionally impacted. Lifestyle including diet, exercise, emotional techniques and nutritional supplements will be reviewed in practical detail. Dr. Michael Wald can be reached for distance or in person consultation by calling 914-242-8844.

Quick thinking and feeling healthy predict longer life

Suffering from chronic medical conditions and engaging in unhealthy behaviors are known risk factors for early death, but findings from a longitudinal study of over 6,000 adults suggests that certain psychological factors may be even stronger predictors of how long we’ll live. The findings are published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. “Our study shows that …