iEat Green – Josh Balk Vice President, Humane Society of the United States – 03.30.17

Josh Balk has led efforts to enact animal welfare policies with many of the world’s largest companies, including Walmart, Wendy’s, Kroger, Denny’s and dozens more. These policies have helped shift the food industry’s reliance on veal crates, gestation crates and battery cages. He's also been a leader in creating and supporting start-up animal-friendly companies, including co-founding Hampton Creek, and guiding venture capital firms and high net worth individuals to invest in this space. Prior to coming to HSUS, Balk worked at Compassion Over Killing (COK) where he conducted investigations into factory farm operations and launched one of our nation’s first advertising campaigns on farm animals. Balk’s work has been covered by the Associated Press, Fortune, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post and dozens of other outlets.

Project Censored – 01.26.16

What role can civil disobedience play in the stuggle for social change? Peter explores this question with two guests: First, environmental organizer Tim DeChristopher recounts his experience interfering with a federal oil and gas lease auction, and how the legal doctrine of “necessity” can be used in environmental campaigns.

Then Sunsara Taylor discusses the right-wing effort to supress womens’ option of abortion, and the countercampaign
to protect reproductive choice.

Tim DeChristopher is a climate campaigner, and the founder of two climate-action organizations. He spent 21 months in prison for submitting a false bid at a federal oil and gas auction in Utah in 2008.

Sunsara Taylor is with, and also is a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party (