Today On The Gary Null Show, Gary gives you a long length commentary on millennials and exploring the poor class. In the first half of the program Gary does his normal health segment where he explains the health benefits of dried garlic and how caffeinated drinks can trigger change the brain similar to cocaine.
Project Censored – 10.04.16
Peter and Mickey spend the hour in discussion with Mark Crispin Miller, NYU professor and media critic. Their conversation included both critiques of corporate media’s recent performance (such as its coverage of the presidential campaign), and also ongoing developments that threaten freedom of the press and of thought (for example, the engagement of big PR firms by federal agencies).
Gary Null 9/11 Special
Gary Null speaks with some of the smartest minds in the world on what really happened on 9/11 20th Anniversary special series on the events of September 11th 2001 Danny Sheehan, PhD, one of the America’s most important and influential public interest and human rights attorneys Legal precedents in large national conspiratorial trials that provide groundwork for reopening Congressional investigation into …
Pam Martens – Looking at 9/11 in the Context of the Wall Street Bailout of 2008
This Sunday will mark the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy – one of those seminal events in human memory that is seared forever on the brain. Because of the emotional toll 9/11 took on the human psyche — watching U.S. commercial airline planes converted to killing machines on U.S. soil — America’s collective memory of exactly what happened on …
Scientific Study: Towers Collapsed Due To Controlled Demolition
A European scientific study has concluded that on September 11, 2001, the Twin Towers were brought down by a controlled demolition. The study, conducted by four physicists and published in Europhysics Magazine, says that “the evidence points overwhelmingly to the conclusion that all three buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition.” reports: “Given the far-reaching implications, it is morally imperative …
Kevin Ryan – Investigating 9/11 and Naming Suspects
When people ask me what more can be done to achieve 9/11 truth and justice, I tell them to spend less time calling for a new investigation and more time investigating. Even without subpoena power, independent investigators can make a lot of progress. To help with that effort, here are three steps for an independent investigation and an objective way …
Dr. Gary G. Kohls – 9/11 Truth: De-Bunking the Neocon 9/11 Narrative. The Workings of “Big Lie Propaganda”
“You unpatriotic ‘9/11 Truthers’ can have annual conspiracy conventions on 9/11, with a host of speakers. To use a Russian expression, the dogs may bark as the train roars along. You are the dogs, and we are the train. Keep whining. We will keep on declaring ourselves unconvinced. We still own the TV, we still own the military, and you …
Psychopaths, 9/11 and Everlasting War – Dr. David Halpin
I am honoured to share a platform with Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. I intend in this 20 minute talk to give additional political context to 9/11, to set it in a fraction of the history of the last century and in the NOW. The following is a Transcript of Dr. Halpin’s presentation The lie of …
9/11 Truth: WTC 7 and Controlled Demolition: Evidence of Nano-Thermite presented to Danish Court
In an article titled “Madness in the Royal Library” published in the Danish newspaper Weekendavisen on December 7, 2012, journalist Søren Villemoes accused esteemed chemist Dr. Niels Harrit of being a “crackpot” for daring to conclude that the destruction of three World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001, was a controlled demolition. Harrit, a 40-year professor of chemistry at the University …