The Infectious Myth – Cultivating Vegetables and Souls in the Inner City with Michael Ableman – 05.16.17

David talks with Michael Ableman, a long time organic farmer and the founder of Sole Food Farms, that operates in vacant lots in the terribly poor downtown eastside of Vancouver. The farm not only cultivates many tons of vegetables and fruit, but also people. Many of the workers are homeless drug addicts who often find new meaning in their life …

Oregon Couple Told They Have No Water Rights, Forced To Destroy Their Own Pond

… Because the rain belongs to the overbearing government, because corporate greed claims water is not a human right, and because Americans are not entitled to do what they please on their private property… Remember the Oregon ‘Rain Man’ or Gary Harrington — who was sent to 30 days in Jackson County Jail and slapped with a $1,500 fine for …

Jonathan Emmen – 7 Myths That Large Corporations Want us to Believe

The influence of major corporations is everywhere. If you go to a sporting event, the sponsors are major corporations. If you go to the grocery, the vast majority of items available to you comes from plants owned by major corporations. Even our media is corporate owned. The result is that these large corporations can pass along whatever myths and half-truths they …

Wendell Potter – Is Crony Capitalism a Big Reason for America’s Dental Health Care Crisis? For an example of how Big Money in politics is causing real harm to average Americans, look at the practice of dentistry in this country. The United States is facing a dental care crisis for a number of reasons. First, dental care has become so expensive many of us can’t afford to go the dentist. More than 130 million …

Leid Stories – 02.05.16

It’s Our Town Hall! Speak Up and Free Your Mind!
A “town hall” meeting every four years is good for democracy? We beg to differ. Leid Stories’ “Free Your Mind Friday” is a weekly town hall on the critical issues of the day. Call in (888-874-4888) and share your thoughts, opinions and ideas.

Nalika Gajaweera – Religious, Spiritual, and “None of the Above”: How Did Mindfulness Get So Big?

Marguerite Agniel in a Buddha position with her legs crossed Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Photograph by J. de Mirjian, ca.1929. Copyrighted work available under Creative Commons The ever-growing popularity of mindfulness—from corporate boardrooms to inner-city schools—has finally made my academic interest a conversation-starter at dinner parties. “Ah, the Buddha was talking about cognitive science 2,500 years ago!” as someone exclaimed after learning about …

Michael Welton – Can Buddhism Save the World?

The topic of socially engaged Buddhism is complex and very important to the future of the dharma in our troubled, fast-moving and intensely competitive global world. Buddhist scholar Stephen Batchelor says that phrase “socially engaged Buddhism” was coined in the 1930s when some monks opposed France’s occupation in Viet Nam. In his lucid historical study, The Awakening of the West: …

Chris Hedges – The Great Forgetting

America’s refusal to fund and sustain its intellectual and cultural heritage means it has lost touch with its past, obliterated its understanding of the present, crushed its capacity to transform itself through self-reflection and self-criticism, and descended into a deadening provincialism. Ignorance and illiteracy come with a cost. The obsequious worship of technology, hedonism and power comes with a cost. …

Paul A. Philips – Permaculture: The New Paradigm Of Self Sufficient Community Based Living

The fact of the matter is that over the years we have allowed ourselves to be more and more accepting of the urban way of life with an ever-increasing preoccupation and overdependence on technology. Overcrowded but isolated from one another living in unnatural concrete jungles, brainwashed into the superficial consumerist lifestyle, goaded by the societal demands of corporate and governmental …