#1- Venezuelan refugees and illegals are becoming a problem for adjacent Latin countries. A few years ago, before the present crisis, Venezuelans traveled about freely, trickled into other countries and were absorbed easily and even welcomed. Nearby countries like Colombia, Peru and Ecuador were easy destinations to get to. However these days in places like Colombia, etc., Venezuelans are looked upon …
The Vinyl Experience – 06.23.17
VE 335 6 23 17 (Chuck’s influences) Ernest Tubb: Thirty Days Chuck Berry: Thirty Days Bob Wills & His Texas Playboys: Ida Red Chuck Berry: Maybelline Johnny Rivers: Maybelline Louis Jordan: Ain’t That Just Like A Woman Chuck Berry: Roll Over Beethoven Jimmy McCracklin: Rockin’ All Day Joe Turner: Feelin’ Happy Linda Ronstadt: Back In The USA Beatles: Back In …
Expat Files – 06.16.17
#1- A zero cost “secret stash” security tip for people traveling in and around Latin America(or anywhere for that matter) #2 Oh for the good old days when “Cash was King”. Have you heard cash is on the way out and will soon be dead in the first world? It’s now being phased out in certain sheeple infested European countries …
Leid Stories—Think Out Loud and Free Your Mind!—06.02.17
Start a brand-new conversation of your own or add your two cents to someone else’s. It’s up to you. Either way, it’s all about what you think, and that’s what “Free Your Mind Friday” is all about. Call 888-874-4888 and think out loud! Download this episode (right click and save)
Meria Heller – Meria With Richie Allen – 05.28.17
Meria Interviews Richie Allen of the Richie Allen Show. Richie is close by the Manchester Arena and people did die; the Arena itself, size and access; Salman Abedi – who is he? ID survives again; the bomb was not detonated inside the arena; were there drills? the number 22; JFK 11/22/63; how did his ID survive? LIHOP vs. MIHOP; drugs …
Ask Beatty – 09.14.15
What’s it like knowing from a very early age that your gender does not match who you really are? Tune in and hear Beatty’s guest, Josephine Fantasia Perez, a biracial transgender woman talk about her journey; without money, family support and personal make-up and wardrobe stylists.