Julie Castillo is a college anthropology instructor, children’s enrichment instructor, writing instructor, enrichment curriculum designer, entrepreneur, writer, and futurist. She holds an MA in sociocultural anthropology from Catholic University with a specialty in gender studies and ethnopsychology. Julie is also a fourteen-year veteran of the publishing industry, co-writer of two novels and thirteen nonfiction books—including two New York Times bestsellers—biographer …
The Gary Null Show – 01.26.17
How long does humanity have? A look at feedback loops and worse case scenarios for our species
Love Lust And Laughter – 01.10.17
Dr. Mark Schoen, a sex educator and a filmmaker, returned to the program. His website www.SexSmartFilms.com is Netflix of sex education – and a sex educator’s dream come true! The most viewed videos – of the 430 films on the site – are the Sensate Focus Exercises, the Science of Orgasm, the True Story of How Babies are Made, the Science of Attraction, and TRANS (about transgendered folks dealing with discrimination and rejection). Under the Education category on the site is Disability. Dr. Mark has paired with Dr. Mitch Tepper to make the next documentary: “Making Love after War,” and the pilot can be viewed on SSF. We hear the story of Aaron and Kat, but these kinds of stories are heard over and over – according to the filmmaker. So much more needs to be done to help vets deal with injuries affecting their sexuality. Dr. Schoen and Dr. Tepper are helping this cause by making this film. They both will be on the program as they get closer to the conclusion. Tune in for a preview!
Expanding Mind – Nature Boy – 12.08.16
The art critic and music curator Brian Chidester talks about his new compilation album of songs by Eden Ahbez, a California composer and hippie prophet whose wrote the tune “Nature Boy” and also walked the talk. Chidester’s blog on Eden is at https://bcxists.wordpress.com/
The Natural Nurse and Dr. Z – Lymphedema and Nutrition – 12.06.16
Ellen Kamhi PhD, RN, www.naturalnurse.com, interviews Dr. Karen Louise Herbst.
Progressive Commentary Hour – 10.18.16
The Climate Change tipping points and the failure of the US and developed nations to address its full impact and threats to human existence
Marcus Ford – Why We Need Tiny Colleges
We are experiencing the rebirth of smallness. Farmers markets, tiny homes, and brew pubs all exemplify our love of smallness. So do charter schools, coffee shops, and local bookstores. Small is often (but not always) more affordable, healthier, and sustainable, but its finest characteristic, the one that turns charm into love, is that going small allows us to be more …
Robin Hood in Reverse: Climate Change Takes from Poor, Gives to Rich
A warming climate is exacerbating global inequality by pushing critical natural resources, such as fish stocks, away from impoverished equatorial regions and making them more exploitable by the wealthy, according to astudy released on Wednesday. While the gap between the rich and poor in the U.S. and worldwide has expanded at a mind-boggling pace in recent decades, the new study, designed by scientists at Princeton, …
Tanya Basu – What Tasers Do to the Brain
Tasers aren’t known to be the gentlest things, to put it mildly. The devices deliver 50,000 volts of electroshock, and though deaths after use of electroshock weapons — Taser is the brand name — are relatively rare, in 2015, at least 48 people died during interactions with police who used Tasers. Now, a team of scientists at Drexel University and Arizona State …
Leid Stories – 02.11.16
In Like Flint: Hillary Clinton Sees Victory in Lead Poisoning
Congressional Black Caucus PAC Adds Insult to Injury with Its Endorsement
Abayomi Azikiwe, editor in chief of Pan-African News Wire and a Detroit organizer for the Workers World Party, has been coursing us through the process of Detroit’s forced bankruptcy and its devastating social, economic and political impact, including it ripple effects throughout the state and across the country. He discusses Hillary Clinton’s foray into Flint, Mich., trolling for votes from people whose water system has left untold thousands poisoned by lead.
The Congressional Black Caucus Political Action Committee today endorsed Clinton’s candidacy for president. Leid Stories explains why (a) this is no surprise and (b) black communities must reassess their political leadership and options.