Leid Stories – 11.03.15

Caught Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

Just where are we on the political map? How does our political thinking or philosophy square with our choices and actions?

Leid Stories focuses on these and related questions in addressing the broader issue of the readiness and effectiveness of opposition to a well organized, heavy-handed right-wing onslaught.

iEat Green – Interview with Diane Hatz, Founder of Change Food – 07.30.15

This week, my guest on the Progressive Radio Network is Diane Hatz, the Founder and Executive Director of Change Food, a company who’s mission is to help individuals change the way they eat by raising public awareness, educating consumers and motivating behavior change around today’s problems with food. Diane uses her expertise to develop creative projects to help people make …

Drought’s lasting impact on forests

SALT LAKE CITY, July 30, 2015 – In the virtual worlds of climate modeling, forests and other vegetation are assumed to bounce back quickly from extreme drought. But that assumption is far off the mark, according to a new study of drought impacts at forest sites worldwide. Living trees took an average of two to four years to recover and …

Arizona Continues Record Pace of Taking Children out of Homes into State Custody – Now 1 of every 100 Children in Foster Care

Ever since the inception of MedicalKidnap.com in the fall of 2014, we have been reporting that the State of Arizona has the highest percentage of any other state in the U.S. in taking children out of their homes and putting them into foster care. Are we to believe that there are more criminal, abusive parents in Arizona than anywhere else? …

Obama’s NSA Reforms, One Year Later

In February, the Director of National Intelligence issued a report summarizing the changes that President Obama has implemented since pledging major surveillance reforms in January 2014. The report chronicles a dizzying number of developments and contains links to several hundreds of pages of supporting documentation. But does this impressive accumulation of activity translate to meaningful reform? The report makes clear that the big picture …

8,000 Years Ago, 17 Women Reproduced for Every One Man

Once upon a time, 4,000 to 8,000 years after humanity invented agriculture, something very strange happened to human reproduction. Across the globe, for every 17 women who were reproducing, passing on genes that are still around today—only one man did the same. “It wasn’t like there was a mass death of males. They were there, so what were they doing?” …

Wealth and power may have played a stronger role than ‘survival of the fittest’

Tempe, Ariz. — The DNA you inherit from your parents contributes to the physical make-up of your body — whether you have blue eyes or brown, black hair or red, or are male or female. Your DNA can also influence whether you might develop certain diseases or disorders such as Crohn’s Disease, cystic fibrosis, hemophilia or neurofibromatosis, to name a …

Prominent U.S. Scientist Sounds The Alarm On Geoengineering

J. Marvin Herndon, Ph.D is a scientist of considerable notoriety. An interdisciplinary scientist, Dr. Herndon earned his BA degree in physics from the University of California, San Diego in 1970 and his Ph.D in nuclear chemistry from Texas A&M University in 1974. Holding Post-Doctoral qualifications in Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry, Herndon has been profiled in Current Biography and in 2003 was hailed as the “maverick geophysicist” by The Washington Post. Dr. Herndon contacted …