It’s All About Food – Madeline Alcott and Carter Dillard – 11.24.15

Part I: Madeline Alcott, Petit Vour
Madeline Alcott is the founder of Petit Vour, a luxury vegan beauty box subscription and boutique. Former nomadic teacher, Madeline’s business came to life after many years of green beauty enthusiasm and a dream of creating the ultimate ethical beauty destination.

Part II: Carter Dillard, Free Candy the Chimpanzee
Carter currently serves as Director of Litigation for the Animal Legal Defense Fund where he manages over half a dozen staff attorneys and dozens of participating pro bono law firms. Carter helped quadruple within less than three years the number of matters the organization had filed, and he has helped achieve judgments, settlements, and precedent that among other things replaced negligent management at public shelters, ended systematic abuses at factory farms and hunting facilities, moved wildlife from ramshackle roadside zoos into sanctuaries, improved standing for animal advocates, and halted false advertising of animal products. With his sister, Carter co-founded the organization Four Feet Forward, which helps small animal advocacy organizations with legal and media campaigns by offering professional services at no cost. He also serves as Executive Director of, an organization that simultaneously integrates human rights, environmental and child welfare advocacy by promoting smaller and more loving families.

The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 11.18.15

Lyle Murphy is the founder of Alternative to Meds Center in Sedona, Arizona, the only licensed residential treatment program that focuses on psychiatric drug withdrawal. Lyle tells his unique, courageous story about overcoming psychosis and then explains how his center works and how others can build one. I hope this show will inspire people around the world to think about what they can do to start a residential center for psychiatric drug withdrawal. It is one of the most important needs in the field of health today.

Economic Update – Economic Power Struggles – 11.15.15

Updates on Greek and Portuguese austerity struggles, obesity and Coca Cola, importance of U of Missouri, JC Penney’s fake sales, and Macy’s urgent sales. Response to listeners on politics, economics of TPP. Major discussions of (1) upcoming FED decision on interest rates and (2) economic causes of gentrified US cities.

Leid Stories – 11.12.15

Thousands Protest ‘Electoral Coup’ in Haiti; Detroit’s Schools Failing Miserably; The Season of Grassroots Action?

The results of the first round of Haiti’s Oct. 25 national elections, widely viewed as rigged to favor current President Michele Martelly’s candidates, have touched off a series of protests and deadly clashes between rival groups. Kim Ives, a co-founder and editor of the international weekly newspaper Haïti Liberté, reports.

Under state-imposed management, Detroit’s public schools are performing dismally, with 96 percent of eight-graders found not proficient in math and 93 percent not proficient in reading. Elena Herrada, a “member-in-exile” of the Detroit School Board and an activist with Detroiters Resisting Emergency Management, discusses the grassroots uphill battle for quality education for the city’s mostly poor children.

Two days after fast-food workers staged demonstrations across the nation calling a $15-an-hour minimum wage and union rights, students are taking to the streets today with a Million Student March demanding relief from student-loan debt, tuition-free colleges and a minimum wage for campus workers. Is this the season of grassroots political action?

Leid Stories – 11.03.15

Caught Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

Just where are we on the political map? How does our political thinking or philosophy square with our choices and actions?

Leid Stories focuses on these and related questions in addressing the broader issue of the readiness and effectiveness of opposition to a well organized, heavy-handed right-wing onslaught.

Jill Richardson – Don’t Let Them Blind You with Their Science

When I first began researching agriculture, I had no idea how organic farming worked. I saw it as a somewhat backward yet non-toxic and desirable way to grow food. Organic farmers didn’t use fertilizer, I figured, so maybe the plants would be smaller. And they didn’t use pesticides, so I’d have to settle for some damage to my food — …

Leid Stories – 10.13.15

Paying Their Way to Poverty: How Ferguson Is Forced Into Bankruptcy

Money Talks: Behind the Most Expensive Presidential Race in U.S. History

In the immediate aftermath of the Aug. 9 killing of Michael Brown by ex-cop Darryl Wilson last year, Ferguson, Missouri, became yet another symbol of legalized and enforced social, political and economic apartheid in America. It was the basis for nationwide mobilization; it was an open admission in a slew of official inquiries and reports.

Civil unrest has died down with the promise of administrative “reforms.” But the majority-Black city of 21,000 is still in the grip of economic apartheid and headed for Detroit-style, imposed bankruptcy.

Dr. Walter Johnson, Winthrop professor of History and African and African American studies at Harvard University, discusses his in-depth study on economic apartheid in Ferguson.

Five Democratic presidential candidates will participate in a nationally televised Q&A session (host CNN insists it’s a “debate”) tonight in Las Vegas. The venue is the opulent, five-star Wynn Las Vegas resort and casino—an ironic twist for a political party that swears it’s about the working class. Yet, it is perfectly in line with where politics is right now.

Dave Levinthal, who leads the Center for Public Integrity’s reporting team on federal politics, discusses the 2016 presidential race, which by all indicators will be the most expensive in U.S. history.

Let’s Create A Better World – 10.10.15

Dr. Thomas Lodi of “An Oasis of Healing” in Mesa, AZ., is our special guest here to discuss integrative, alternative and nutritional solutions to treating cancer and the best ways and tips to living a healthier, happier life. We have a truly inspiring discussion with Dr. Lodi on his holistic approach toward healing cancer and treating patients through teaching them how to live a happier, healthier life. Areas discussed include the current medical system, changes and growth taking place in holistic healing, the foods we eat, our overall diet, alkaline water and the influence of surrounding our self with the right people who share the right holistic, positive growth intentions. Along with better ways to live life with a more open-mind for daily growth and empowerment and how to always be learning new ways to live healthier in all areas: Psychically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Host Bobby Elias and co-host Stefan Rudolph discuss these benefits and more related to alternative health care, conscious awareness of how we’re fueling our body, upcoming summits and events that we can attend in person and online and tips to how we can heal our “Self!” With Dr. Lodi’s advice and feedback we have a great show for you today!
Dr. Lodi is licensed as a Homeopathic Medical Doctor MD(H) in the State of Arizona and is licensed as an Allopathic Medical Doctor (MD) in the state of New York. Dr Lodi has completed a Fellowship in Integrative Cancer Therapies and a Fellowship in Anti-Aging, Regenerative & Functional Medicine. Dr Lodi sits on the Scientific Advisory Board for Immunogenic Research Foundation (IMREF), the Medical Advisory Board for Elka Best Foundation, and is an active-allied member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).

Ask Beatty – 10.05.15

October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. Beatty’s guest today was Loretta K. Davis, lawyer, former Judge and Executive Director of the Retreat, an organization that provides a variety of domestic violence services for survivors and their families, including a 24 hour hotline, preventive programs in the schools for teens and new father initiatives. If you want to hear an in depth conversation about domestic violence and more importantly, what we can do about ending violence, you will not want to miss this show.

Decades-Long “Megadrought” Looms For Entire US As Lake Powell Runs Dry, NASA Warns

With the number of people living in the U.S. Southwest and Central Plains, and the volume of water they need, having increased rapidly over recent decades – and, with NASA scientists expecting these trends to continue for years to come – the current severe drought combined with the tapping of the Lake Powell’s water at what many consider to be …