Vincent Di Stefano – The Devil’s Century

Our present generation is living out of the spiritually vacuous philosophies of modernism and post-modernism, the cancerous ideologies of free-market economics and unrestrained economic growth, and the corporate and political tyrannies that have nurtured an energised ethos of transience. The triumphalism of modernity has effectively wiped from our collective memories a coherent view of just what has gone down in …

Colin Todhunter – Rolling Back The Destructive Influence of The Global Agribusiness Cartel

And now for the good news. As the rest of the world eats denutrified, poisoned ‘food’ and capitulates to the criminal cartel of US agribusiness, as India destroys its soils with petrochemical-monocrop agriculture and looks to GMOs, as corrupt governments and regulatory bodies do the bidding of Monsanto, Russia is committed to not selling out the health of millions, the …

Zen Honeycutt – 3 Ways Monsanto Contributes to Climate Chaos and World Hunger

Monsanto claims that GMO farming will support farmers while fighting climate change and drought, but they are in fact a major cause of the problem. Their products are creating the very problem they seek to solve and no amount of denial or PR will hide this from the public for much longer. GMOs are genetically engineered with DNA from foreign species, …

New Study Finds Cancer Causing Glyphosate In Most Cotton Hygiene Products

The video below might have a shocking title about tampons, but it is provocative for all the right reasons. A recent study found that most cotton hygienic products are contaminated with glyphosate from pesticides – what does that mean for the personal care products that are closest to you? When most people think of GMO crops, they forget that Monsanto …

Top 11 front groups disguised to confuse you about food safety

Over the last few years, health advocacy has challenged harmful food production technologies while promoting sustainable alternatives. Multiple tools and strategies have included litigation, legal petitions for rulemaking, legal support for various sustainable agriculture and food safety constituencies, policy initiatives, public education, grassroots organizing, and media outreach. In response, the food industry has ramped up its public relations efforts to reassure the …

MARCO TORRES – Fruits and Vegetables Reaching An Alarming State of Nutrient Depletion

Fruits and Vegetables Reaching An Alarming State of Nutrient Depletion What if our food has been getting less and less nutritious? What if modern intensive farming methods — many of which solved malnutrition problems when they were first introduced — have affected the mineral and vitamin content of what we eat? Could having a constant supply of varied produce and …

Christina Sarich – United Nations Doctor Outlines 5 Key GMO Dangers in Recent Talk

Dr. Judy Carman, an appointed expert on GMOs, has much to teach us about the dangers of biotech’s tinkering with our food supply. Not only does she point out some very obvious flaws in the regulatory process of approving genetically modified organisms in the US, Australia, and New Zealand, but she also details the holes in the argument of ‘substantial equivalency’ that companies …

Christina Sarich – GM Foods are Inherently Unsafe, Warns American Academy of Environmental Medicine

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) doesn’t buy Monsanto’s claim that GM foods are ‘safe.’ In fact, the agency states, “several animal studies indicate serious health risks associated with GM food.” So why are we still being force-fed unlabeled GM foods by big multinational food companies? The AAEM reports that GM foods can cause multiple adverse health conditions including “infertility, immune …

Russian Govt Completely Bans GMOs in Food Production

Russia has just announced a game-changing move in the fight against Monsanto’s GMOs, completely banning the use of genetically modified ingredients in any and all food production. In other words, Russia just blazed way past the issue of GMO labeling and shut down the use of any and all GMOs that would have otherwise entered the food supply through the …

Russian Deputy Prime Minister: GMOs Will NOT be Tolerated – Christina Sarich

Russian President, Vladimir Putin has led a strong stance against biotech and their cultivation of GM crops in his country. Now, the Russian Deputy Prime Minister, Arkady Dvorkovich, has announced at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum that Russia WILL NOT use GM crops to boost agricultural production. Dvorkovich stated that the good quality of the soil across Russia’s land will …