climate change and the future of humanity Kevin Hester is a member of the Irish Republican Diaspora born in Aotearoa New Zealand as a result of both his maternal and paternal grandparents being involved in the reunification struggle, forcing  some members of the  family to escape Ireland for both  political and financial reasons. His maternal grandfather completed 28 days on …
Economic Update – Addiction, Capitalism and 12 Steps – 07.09.17
Updates on car loans, sales showing falsity of “recovery” claims, airline profits vs service, the G-20 meetings coordinate global austerity, July 4 and capitalism, and the misleading debate over raising minimum wages and losing jobs. Interview with Dr. Harriet Fraad on connections among addictions, capitalism and 12-step programs. Download this episode (right click and save)
The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – Guest: Dr Geoffrey Broderick – 06.20.17
Host, Ellen Kamhi PhD RN,, interviews veterinarian, Dr. Geoffrey Broderick. Dr. Broderick has been practicing for almost 50 years as a veterinarian in Huntington, NY. In a landmark paper titled, “The Cure, Prevention and Control of Cystitis in Cats” Dr. Broderick described for the first time that acidification with ascorbic acid (vitamin C) of the urine dissolved triple phosphate …