Warrior Connection – 09.20.15

The September 20 Warrior Connection program is dedicated to SSG Paul Lyons, retired , 100% disabled, U.S. Army, 101st Airborne who committed suicide on March 15, 2015. Paul’s birthday would have been September 23. Paul was co-host of this program Warrior Connection and was abandoned by the Army and VA. Paul, even though very ill, kept trying to help all other vets. In Paul’s own words before the crash. Paul’s widow Tammy Lyons joins Major Denise Nichols, RN, USAF retired and I, Major Doug Rokke, Ph.D. U.S. Army, retired, to discuss the horror. Tammy is a U.S. Navy veteran herself. This discussion must not be in vain.

Infectious Myth – John Dowe on Mefloquine and the Military – 09.15.15

In episode 70 David talks to former soldier John Dowe whether the drug Mefloquine (see Episode 67’s interview with Dr. Remington Nevin) could have played a role in the so-called Somalia Affair. In 1993, the same year as the Battle of Mogadishu and Black Hawk Down, soldiers from the elite Canadian Airborne Regiment were also in a restless and violent part of Somalia. Frustrated with locals sneaking in to steal and sabotage, someone ordered them to start “roughing up” anyone they caught. One group of soldiers interpreted this as setting up a trap. When the searchlight was suddenly turned on the soldiers literally blew one Somali into pieces, and severely injured another. In a second incident, a Somali was captured and beaten to death by two other soldiers.
When photos were released, a public inquiry and criminal investigation were launched, resulting in one soldier trying to commit suicide, one being sentenced to five years, and several others disciplined. The head of the military was forced to resign due to the scandal, and his successor. The Minister of Defence also resigned. Most significantly of all the entire Canadian Airborne Regiment was disbanded.
John Dowe, like many others, has noticed severe personality changes after taking the weekly malaria drug Mefloquine, and he believes that this, along with other factors such as stress, alcohol, boredom and poor leadership, allowed this scandal to occur. In fact, when he walked into the bunker where the Somali was being beaten to death, one of the soldiers doing the beating came up to him and said that “This is not who I am, John”.
John became an activist only in 2014, when he discovered that this drug is still in use by Canadian and other militaries. He is part of a small group of Canadians trying to raise awareness, in cooperation with similar groups around the world.
Although there is no website yet, John can be reached via Email at johndowe49@gmail.com, Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=636190328 and Twitter: @johndowe49.
For more information on the Somalia affair, please see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somalia_Affair

Dahr Jamail – Sounds of War: Navy Warplanes Producing Deadly Noise Around US Bases

“This is a public health emergency that is literally killing people.” This stark, shocking warning about the US Navy’s war-gaming in the Pacific Northwest comes from Dr. James Dahlgren, a doctor of occupational and environmental medicine who is also a diplomat of the American Board of Internal Medicine. He spoke with Truthout about how Navy warplanes flying in and out …