Today On The Gary Null Show, Gary opens up the program with the latest in health and healing, In the second half of the program Gary gives a extensive time to talk about what he thinks is important and that’s the people shouldn’t accept a two party system, Gary gives his own in depth analysis on this. Gary also covers the topic of the health of Hilary Clinton and what everyone should know. While giving his own commentary, Gary also gives one from Professor Henry Giroux.
Derrick Jensen – Self-Awareness and the Apocalypse
Many human supremacists love to talk about the “mirror test” of self-awareness, in which you put a mirror in front of some nonhuman to see if the nonhuman recognizes itself, in which case it is declared to be self-aware (though not as self-aware as we, of course!). Very few nonhumans pass this test, which is I’m sure one reason the …
AI will create ‘useless class’ of human, predicts bestselling historian
It is hard to miss the warnings. In the race to make computers more intelligent than us, humanity will summon a demon, bring forth the end of days, and code itself into oblivion. Instead of silicon assistants we’ll build silicon assassins. The doomsday story of an evil AI has been told a thousand times. But our fate at the hand …
FDA Defies Congress, Slips Money to Hospitals, and Stiffs Consumers
For some time now we have been explaining how the FDA appears to be trying to put compounding pharmacies out of business in order to boost the profits of its major client, the pharmaceutical industry. It doesn’t seem to matter to the agency that you will no longer be able to get critically important drugs, or your medications in the right form. …
JAN WILLIS – A Peaceful World Begins With Small Peaceful Actions
To change the world, says Jan Willis, we need hope. And hope grows from nonviolent actions, no matter how small. Sharing this tiny planet amidst a vast universe, we are all interconnected beings, incapable even for a nanosecond of complete independence. Yet we conduct our lives as though we each possessed complete and ultimate control of our individual, isolated universes. We …
JAMES KIRCHICK – Donald J. Trump Is the L. Ron Hubbard of Politics
Is Donald Trump the new George Wallace? Silvio Berlusconi? Adolf Hitler? Could be. But at least as much as a southern segregationist, rich pervert turned politico, or genocidal fascist, Trump resembles L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the pyramid-scheme-masquerading-as-religion known as Scientology. Consider: both men are (or, in Hubbard’s case, were) narcissistic, autocratic, money-obsessed, pathological liars and would-be sexual conquerors who …
Dr. Ludwig Watzal – ISIS’ Main Enemy Is Saudi Arabia Not Israel
In several of my German articles I have been arguing that an “Islamic State” doesn’t make any sense without the control over the sacred sites of Islam, Mecca and Medina. That is why, so my reasoning, ISIS should not have attacked Al-Assad or the Al-Abadi regime, not to speak of Israel, but the Wahhabite Salafist Saudi Arabian dictatorship. This regime …
Amy Morin – Why You Should Stop Believing That Time Heals Everything
Whether you’ve been through a bad break up or you’re reading a sympathy card, the old saying, “Time heals everything,” gets passed around whenever someone is suffering. But as a therapist, I see first-hand how damaging that belief can be. The false notion that time equals medicine is a common misconception I tackle in my therapy office. Individuals seeking help often say, “I …
The Plutonium Files: MIT scientists fed radioactive oatmeal to schoolboys to see what would happen
Between 1946 and 1953, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) conducted a horrifying experiment in which schoolboys were fed radioactive oatmeal, simply to support marketing claims made by the Quaker Oats company! The study was performed on more than 100 boys, many of whom were wards of the state and had been falsely declared “mentally retarded,” according to The New York Times. …
Scientists Discover Vessels That Connect The Immune System & Brain
History has proved to make some incredible discoveries that have made their way into teachings that we, as a society, are taught to absorb as true statements and must believe, memorize, and analyze. The human anatomy is no exception. We already know the brain is a complex organ, so it should come as no surprise to us that scientific research …