Download this episode (right click and save) Nadezhda Kutepova had fought for the rights of the residents of a town in the Chelyabinsk region. The young mother of 4 lost her parents to cancer’s contracted after exposure to radioactive materials at the USSR nuclear weapons fuel production plants near Ozersk int he Ural mountains. A 1957 disaster was kept secret until …
Expanding Mind – Radical Technologies – 09.11.17
Designer and technology critic Adam Greenfield talks about magic bullets, the melancholy of machines, Tesla’s Autopilot, and his must-read new book Radical Technologies: The Design of Everyday Life (Verso). Download this episode (right click and save)
Alternative Visions – Venezuela Today: Eyewitness to Current Events – 08.18.17
Download this episode (right click and save) Alternative Visions radio welcomes guest, Pablo Vivanco, of Telesur Media in Latin America to explain what’s really going on in Venezuela as the Trump administration raises the spectre of possible military intervention in the democratic revolution in that country. Dr. Rasmus describes the measures by which US elites and its deep state since …
Expat Files – 06.23.17
#1- Getting off the grid and off the radar: You can do it to a significant degree in Latin America and here’s how.. #2 House swapping: is that a viable option for gringos and expats who go back an forth between the US and Latin America? Maybe so but look out. There are many pitfalls, especially if you are a …
Progressive Commentary Hour – 06.20.17
You will die in a nuclear war, but the American elite will be saved — the 6 decades of planning for a nuclear confrontation and what this says about American democracy Garrett Graff is a distinguished magazine journalist and historian who focuses on politics, national security and modern technology, especially the role of the internet in politics. His articles appear …
Economic Update – Worker Coops as our Economic Future – 05.28.17
Updates on Trump’s 2018 budget, Ford’s undemocratic decisions, US opioid epidemic, Swiss vote to end nuclear power, Harley-Davidson moving jobs overseas, Canada outlaws overbooking seats on planes. Interview John Curl, author and coop worker, on importance of worker coops. Download this episode (right click and save)
The Gary Null Show – 04.11.17
Today is April 11th 2017 and Gary Null has an insightful show for you! Gary starts off the program talking about the latest in health and healing. Gary sets time a side today to keep going on a in depth commentary on the issues going on with the United States of America and Syria. Gary wraps up the program with some audio clips on “Former ‘economic hitman’ John Perkins explains how the International Monetary Fund and Federal Reserve are responsible for global poverty and political corruption.” and ” Ex-Marine Goes Crazy, Blows Whistle On Syrian False Flag And Real Agenda”
Heart of Mind Radio – 02.10.17
On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis speaks with Letha Hadady, about her new on-going program at Jñaña Yoga. Kathryn speaks about her new in-person program: Staying Grounded in Chaotic Times.
Victoria Pope – Much of the Cuisine We Now Know, and Think of as Ours, Came to Us by War
The relish on my plate is Sicilian, a tangy blend of sweet and sour flavors. I can pick out some of the ingredients—eggplant, capers, celery—right away. I haven’t a clue, however, about the forces that came together to create this exquisite vegetable dish. Gaetano Basile, a writer and lecturer on the food and culture of Sicily, does know. He has …
Globe-trotting pollutants raise some cancer risks 4 times higher than predicted
CORVALLIS, Ore. — A new way of looking at how pollutants ride through the atmosphere has quadrupled the estimate of global lung cancer risk from a pollutant caused by combustion, to a level that is now double the allowable limit recommended by the World Health Organization. The findings, published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences …