Nalika Gajaweera – Religious, Spiritual, and “None of the Above”: How Did Mindfulness Get So Big?

Marguerite Agniel in a Buddha position with her legs crossed Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Photograph by J. de Mirjian, ca.1929. Copyrighted work available under Creative Commons The ever-growing popularity of mindfulness—from corporate boardrooms to inner-city schools—has finally made my academic interest a conversation-starter at dinner parties. “Ah, the Buddha was talking about cognitive science 2,500 years ago!” as someone exclaimed after learning about …

Dr Gideon Polya – Green Left Pope Francis Demands Climate Action “Without Delay” To Prevent Climate “Catastrophe”

In stark contrast to the terracidal One Percenters, Pope Francis recognizes a looming climate catastrophe and millions of premature deaths from carbon burning pollutants, demands massive decarbonisation and conversion to renewables starting without delay in the  next few years, rejects Carbon Trading as a dishonest ploy, advocates a fully borne Carbon Price (Carbon Tax) on polluters, proposes boycotts of polluters, …

Christine Sarich – The Adverse Effects of Noise Pollution on Your Health

Did you know that the sound from a heavy truck moving down the road – approximately 85dB (decibel) – can have an adverse effect on your health? It isn’t just rock musicians who suffer from hearing loss due to exposure to loud noises – noise pollution can cause a host of ailments, from tinnitus to depression. Exposure to sounds as …