Heckman Study: Investment in Early Childhood Education Yields Substantial Gains for the Economy

A groundbreaking study published has found that high-quality birth-to-five programs for disadvantaged children can deliver a 13% per child, per year return on investment through better outcomes in education, health, social behaviors and employment — which reduce long-term taxpayer costs and equip country’s workforce for a competitive future. Nobel economics laureate and Institute for New Economic Thinking Advisory Board member Professor …

Leid Stories–It’s “Free Your Mind Friday”on Leid Stories. Give Voice to Your Thoughts!—09.30.16

“Free Your Mind Friday” is an unscripted open forum in which listeners’ opinions and ideas aren’t just “features” of the program, but the program itself. Callers may talk about the week’s major stories and events or any subject they choose.

David Beasley – Brain Cancer Is Now The Deadliest Form Of Cancer For Children

ATLANTA (Reuters) – Brain cancer is now the deadliest form of childhood cancer in the United States, surpassing leukemia as treatment advances have allowed doctors to cure many blood-relatedcancers, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention saidon Friday. In 1999, nearly one in three children who died of cancer had leukemia, while brain cancer caused the deaths of one in four. By 2014, the numbers had reversed, researchers found comparing …