#1- Dealing with chaotic, disorganized, lazy-ass Latin government fatheads. Why is it that when green gringos first arrive in Latin America, after seeing paper-pushing govt bureaucrats…
“Eleanor LeCain talks about the stunning elections where Democrats won across the country and what they mean for our future, with Joshua Holland, contributor to…
More than anything else, eating meat contributes heavily to global warming and climate change. Jane Velez-Mitchell, animal rights activist and journalist, author and widely known…
The new McCarthyism and the efforts to launch a new Cold War with Russia Robert (Bob) Parry is one of our leading progressive investigative journalists best known…
Beatty talked about what we can all DO to help take sexual harassment, domestic violence, addictions and mental health problems out of the closet. Acknowledging…
The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks our AJC Radio Hosts will be discussing and giving their insight about White Supremacy & Racism in America. Our Guest is Professor Marci…
“Eleanor LeCain talks about Future Now, a new organization which supports candidates who push for progress on 7 ambitious, measurable goals in local state governments to…
My marvelous guest is Pam Popper PhD who is devoting her life to informed decision-making in medicine, which includes informed nutrition and informed mental health. You…
#1- There has been a striking absence of political correctness, big brother influence, social justice warrior types and so-called snowflakes here in Latin America-excepting in…