More than a thousand artificial-intelligence researchers have cosigned an open letter calling for a ban on autonomous weapons, or "killer robots." As The Verge reports,…
Yesterday Oklahoma recorded five earthquakes centered near Crescent, Oklahoma, some of which were felt in at least five states—Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Missouri and Arkansas. Three…
ver the weekend, polls showed that that the Trump-fueled collapse of the Republican Party is reaching historic depths. According to CNN, the GOP's approval rating…
A social worker formerly employed at a for-profit family immigrant detention center in Texas blew the whistle this week on the prison's inhumane conditions—from solitary…
Corporations have reaped trillion-dollar benefits from 60 years of public education in the U.S., but they're skipping out on the taxes meant to sustain the…
Results from 5 years of polling data released as US Senate considers controversial GMO labeling law University of Vermont A new study released just days…
As Bernie Sanders continues to draw record crowds and appears to be winning the battle for small-donor contributions, the campaign of Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton—even as the former senator…
Year-over-year, America sets new prison records. No other nation on Earth comes close to America’s “lock’em up” ethos. Therefore, assuming that imprisonment records are accurate,…