Gilbert Doctorow – The Obsessive Putin-Bashing

The U.S. establishment writers on Russia are one and all “presstitutes” and when you put their writings together, back to back, in 40 pages or so as Johnson’s Russia List has so kindly done in its Christmas Eve issue, the result is an astounding propaganda barrage. For those of you in the general public who are, likely as not, unfamiliar …

Jessica Orwig – Sending humans to Mars could uncover a disturbing truth to one of life’s greatest mysteries

This version of a self-portrait of NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover at a drilling site called “Buckskin” is presented as a stereographic projection, which shows the horizon as a circle. The MAHLI camera on Curiosity’s robotic arm took dozens of component images for this selfie on Aug. 5, 2015. If humankind successfully lands people on the surface of Mars, we could discover …