6 Tips for Protecting Your Communications From Prying Eyes by Julia Angwin

It’s easy to feel hopeless about privacy these days. In the post-Snowden era, we have learned that nearly every form of communication-from emails, phone calls, to text messages – can leave a digital trace that can and likely will be analyzed by commercial data-gatherers and governments. Here are some ways to keep those communications private. While these tips were designed …

Thousands of Sea Lion Pups Are Washing Ashore and Dying Along the California Coast – Irma Omerhodzic

In the new VICE News documentary, Starving and Stranded: California’s Sea Lions, journalist Kaj Larsen is trying to answer one big question. What is causing thousands of sea lion pups to wash ashore along the California coast? The Southern California coast hosts one of the most incredible marine ecosystems on the planet and one of the most notorious animal there is the California sea lion. Surfers, …