Deanna Meyer is a long time activist and organic farmer currently residing in Colorado. She graduated from the University of Alaska Fairbanks with degrees in…
Scientists from the University of South Florida, along with colleagues in Canada and the Netherlands, have determined that the influx of fresh water from the…
As the crash in commodities prices spreads economic woe across the developing world, Europe could face a wave of migration that will eclipse today’s refugee crisis, says…
Failure to mitigate and adapt to climate change is the greatest threat facing the world's economy in 2016, according to the "unprecedented" results of the…
Sometimes in life, all the experience and knowledge simmering around in that ol’ consciousness of ours combines itself in a way that suddenly causes the…
Yves here. You cannot make this stuff up. This Real News Network segment features Bill Black discussing, based on his first-hand experience of having the…
Prof. David Montgomery is a geomorphologist & environmentalist in the Earth and Space Sciences division at the University of Washington’s College of the Environment. He…
In less than one human lifetime, some of the planet’s richest and most vital coastal habitats could disappear. Sea-level rise is expected to flood and…