Resistance Radio – Deanna Meyer – 02.07.16

Deanna Meyer is a long time activist and organic farmer currently residing in Colorado. She graduated from the University of Alaska Fairbanks with degrees in Anthropology, English and went on to acquire a teaching certificate. Recently she has been involved in advocating for the forests in her area as well as the rapidly disappearing prairie dogs throughout the mid-west. She is a member of Deep Green Resistance and WildLands Defense and believes that the strategies and tactics of people who care about the living planet must shift from asking nicely to defending those they love by any and all means necessary.

Melting Greenland ice sheet may affect global ocean circulation, future climate

Scientists from the University of South Florida, along with colleagues in Canada and the Netherlands, have determined that the influx of fresh water from the Greenland ice sheet is “freshening” the North Atlantic Ocean and could disrupt the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), an important component of global ocean circulation that could have a global effect. Researchers say it could …

Joe Weisenthal – Davos Boss Warns Refugee Crisis Could Be Precursor to Something Much Bigger

As the crash in commodities prices spreads economic woe across the developing world, Europe could face a wave of migration that will eclipse today’s refugee crisis, says Klaus Schwab, executive chairman of the World Economic Forum. “Look how many countries in Africa, for example, depend on the income from oil exports,” Schwab said in an interview ahead of the WEF’s 46th annual meeting, …

The Biggest Threat to Global Economy? Climate Change.

Failure to mitigate and adapt to climate change is the greatest threat facing the world’s economy in 2016, according to the “unprecedented” results of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual survey, released Thursday. WEF conducted its yearly poll of 750 experts ahead of the body’s summit in Davos, Switzerland next week. The Global Risks Report found that worldwide threats are …

Dahr Jamail – The Melting Arctic’s Dramatic Impact on Global Weather Patterns

Arctic sea ice is melting at a record pace – and every summer looks grimmer. This past summer saw the ice pack at its fourth-lowest level on record, and the overall trend in recent decades suggests this will only continue. “Using satellites, scientists have found that the area of sea ice coverage each September has declined by more than 40 …

Steven Parton – The Science of Happiness: Why complaining is literally killing you.

Sometimes in life, all the experience and knowledge simmering around in that ol’ consciousness of ours combines itself in a way that suddenly causes the cerebral clockwork to click into place, and in this fluid flow of thought we find an epiphany rising to the surface. One such point for me came in my junior year at University. It changed …

Yves Smith – Bill Black: A “Jihadist” Against the Banks?

Yves here. You cannot make this stuff up. This Real News Network segment features Bill Black discussing, based on his first-hand experience of having the Department of Justice attempting to quash Black’s expert witness testimony in a fraud case because Black is a “jihadist” against banks. Since when is calling out fraud tantamount to conducting a religious war? Only if …

The Gary Null Show – 12.15.15

Prof. David Montgomery is a geomorphologist & environmentalist in the Earth and Space Sciences division at the University of Washington’s College of the Environment. He specializes in the evolution of geological topography and the influence of geomorphological processes on ecological systems and human societies. His research has taken him world wide, the Cascade Range in the Pacific Northwest to the Andes, the Himalayas and Tibetan plateau. Joining him is his wife Anne Bikle, a biologist and environmental planner whose work includes watershed restoration and advancing public health through environmental initiatives.

David has author several important works, including “Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations”, and together their most recent book is “The Hidden Half of Nature: The Microbial Roots of Life and Health” that exposes the critical role the microbiomes in our soil and in our guts play to sustain life and health. Their website is

Alex Kirby – Climate heads for irreversible change

PARIS, 9 December, 2015 – Some of the world’s coldest places, on land and sea, may be plunged into an unstoppable transition to a climate system most scientists believe has not existed for 35-50 million years. The almost immediate consequences would include the loss of reliable water resources for millions of people, and the start of a process leading to …