Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 07.07.16

INDIAN POINT and DIABLO CANYON are two nuclear reactor names that strike fear in the hearts of anyone who knows about atomic power. We discuss the two reactors north of New York City with MANNA JO GREEN (Clearwater), GARY SHAW (IPSEC) and KEVIN KAMPS (Beyond Nuclear). These long-term activists and experts are dedicated to shutting the two nukes irradiating the Hudson River. They outline the critical deterioration threatening the future of these aging, uneconomical reactors.

We are then joined by ROCHELLE BECKER of California’s Alliance 4 Nuclear Responsibility who describes the landmark new deal cut between PG&E, the unions and environmental groups to shut the two nukes at Diablo Canyon by 2025. This complex multi-faceted agreement calls for a 100% conversion to renewable energy, a “retain and retrain” program for the plant’s workers, and a definitive death date in 9 years. A wide range of issues have arisen amongst those of us demanding an immediate shutdown of these decayed, deteriorating and deadly reactors. Lets figure out how to get them down…

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 04.14.16

THE URANIUM Film Festival in Los Angeles will feature a number of important full-length movies about atomic power on April 27 at the Raleigh Theater.

We hear all about it from publicist Alexandra Radlovic and from the legendary Kat Kramer, who will be co-hosting (with me) an after-film panel on shutting
the Diablo Canyon nuclear power reactors that will feature Mimi Kennedy, Lou Gosset, Jr., Libbe Halevy and others. Also at the festival will be the deeply moving full-length feature The Last Picture by noted German filmmaker Micael Von Hohenberg who talks to us from Germany about this major anti-nuclear work and all it has to say about the atomic madness.

We’re then joined by Lori Grace, noted election protection organizer and activist from the northern California Sunrise Center. Lori tells us about webinars, public talks and other important contributions she is making to the desperate attempt to stop the theft of yet another presidential election. Without this critical work, we are guaranteed to have another stripped and flipped outcome, driving our nation further down into the corporate sinkhole.

Solartopia Green Power And Wellness Hour – 05.19.15

A NUKE-FREE SOUTH PACIFIC and the END TO ATOMIC POWER in California and elsewhere is the domain of JIM HEDDLE and MARY BETH BRANGAN of the Ecological Options Network of Bolinas, California (

Mary Beth and Jim tell us first of their award-winning documentary on the resistance of the people of Palau against the incursion of the US nuclear military into their South Sea paradise. For their troubles, EON was blacklisted by the Reagan Administration but has persevered over the years and is now at the forefront of documenting the fight to end atomic energy in California and make it a Solartopian reality.

EON continues to document the fight to deal with the radioactive waste from the thankfully shut San Onofre reactors, and to force Diablo to obey the law on issues of water quality, seismic safety and fire protection (

With their brilliant insights and rich history, Jim and Mary Beth’s EON operation both documents and makes history (, and we’re honored to hear them tell us how.