Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 02.02.17

KEVIN KAMPS of Beyond Nuclear and TIM JUDSON of the Nuclear Information & Resource Service chime in on the collapse of Westinghouse, the overages in nuclear construction around the world, the appointment of an non-regulatory new chair for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the procession of state bailouts, and much more.

As we approach a green-powered Earth, we pray no more of these obsolete, obscene nukes will explode, and that the transition to renewables will proceed as fast as possible.

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 09.10.15

The great KARL GROSSMAN tells us about the DANGERS OF ATOMIC RADIATION and the grassroots victory that kept Long Island’s SHOREHAM NUKE from operating.

Karl is a Professor of Journalism, award-winning TV host and author of numerous books and articles that circulate throughout the internet at,,, Huffington Post and numerous others. His most recent article, linked at, warns that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission may be about to loosen radiation standards and allow the public to be exposed to dangerous doses that could kill untold numbers of innocent people. He warns that this is exactly what’s happening at Fukushima, and that a global effort is desperately needed to shut all atomic reactors worldwide.

Karl played a major role in the successful grassroots struggle that shut the massive $7 billion Shoreham atomic reactor along with others at the Brookhaven Laboratories and elsewhere, rendering Long Island nuclear-free. This can be done on a global scale, he says, especially now that Solartopian technologies are leaving atomic energy in the nuclear dust.

Karl is a powerful, articulate speaker with 45 years of experience on this issue. Don’t miss this interview!