Henry McDonald – Huge rise in Britons applying for Irish citizenship after Brexit vote

Applications for both Irish citizenship and passports have soared since Britain voted to leave the European Union in June, as thousands of people seek to mitigate the effects of Brexit on their lives, government figures show. In all, more than 37,000 people in the UK and Northern Ireland applied for Irish passports in the three months after 23 June – …

NDC Savings Club – Toxic Water – 09.28.16

We live in a toxic world where exposure on a daily basis to toxic contaminants in our air and water affects our health on a cumulative basis. For decades toxic waste sites and industries have discharged chemicals and heavy metals that have seeped into our drinking water supplies. Additionally, agricultural runoff of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizer, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies dumping drugs into the ground have contributed to hundreds of toxic contaminants permeating our drinking water supply.

Pam Martens and Russ Martens – The Untold Story of 9/11: Bailing Out Alan Greenspan’s Legacy

Today marks the 15th Anniversary of the tragic events of September 11, 2001 and yet the American public remains in the dark about critical details of hundreds of billions of dollars of financial dealings by the Federal Reserve in the days, weeks and months that followed 9/11. What has also been lost in the official 9/11 Commission Report, Congressional hearings and …

A Just Cause – Shining a Spotlight on Capitol Hill & Congressman Jason Chaffetz – 09.11.16

The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks will be Shining a Spotlight on Capitol Hill and Congressman Jason Chaffetz, who ?became the Chairman of the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee in January 2015. He is currently serving his fourth term in the US House of Representatives. In the 114th Congress, he also serves on the House Judiciary Committee.

Gail Tverberg – An Updated Version Of The “Peak Oil” Story

The Peak Oil story got some things right. Back in 1998, Colin Campbell and Jean Laherrère wrote an article published in Scientific American called, “The End of Cheap Oil.” In it they said: Our analysis of the discovery and production of oil fields around the world suggests that within the next decade, the supply of conventional oil will be unable to keep …

Dr Ludwig Watzal – Hillary Clinton – A Specter Haunting The Entire World

The Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, still gets high marks at least in Europe, compared to the Republican candidate Donald Trump, demonized by corporate media because of his outlandish remarks about Muslims, women, the wall with Mexico, and other bizarre statements he had made. Despite Trump’s crude political opinions, he has many followers among predominantly white Americans. He portrays himself …

William John Cox – The Scandal of Voter Suppression in America

Ostensibly, universal voting is the ideal of a free and democratic republic; however, barriers have been placed between many citizens and the ballot box ever since the creation of the United States. Many of these obstacles, such as property ownership and the racially-biased poll tax, have been removed. They are, however, being replaced by voter identification (ID) laws and other …

Dan Wright – Wall Street Taking Over Nonprofit Sector

hile there has traditionally been a close relationship between Wall Street donors and nonprofit organizations like charities and universities, a new study from the Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) reveals a growing Wall Street takeover of nonprofit boards of directors. Using data from what are referred to in the study as major private research universities, elite small liberal arts colleges, …

Karl Grossman – Why Is Gas Suddenly $2 a Gallon? OPEC and the Frackers

Wondering why the price of gasoline has plummeted to around $2 a gallon? It is largely an attempt to quash one of the most odious of energy processes–fracking–by a most odious of energy organizations, OPEC. Hydraulic fracturing or fracking has in recent years caused a revolution in petroleum extraction. Using a new technique to split underground shale formations, it has …

Chris Hedges – Pray With Your Feet

MONTROSE, N.Y.—It was 6:30 in the morning and George Packard, dressed in a dark suit, a purple clerical bib and a clerical collar, was at church. Or, rather, at what has become church for the retired Episcopal bishop, activist and highly decorated Vietnam War veteran. Packard stood with 20 other protesters on a chilly morning Nov. 9 to block two roads …