Jill Richardson – Is Solar Energy Really Too Expensive?

In order for solar power to compete with other forms of energy, the conventional thinking goes, it needs to become way cheaper. Installing rooftop solar panels can be prohibitively expensive, after all, and it takes years before the resulting energy savings pay off. For the individual, it doesn’t matter whether solar panels will save you money in the long run if …

Stanton Peele – While Tests Are Still Pending, It Is Possible to Draw Some Conclusions About Prince’s Drug Issues

When a famous person dies mysteriously and prematurely these days [6], we are instantly led to consider their drug use as cause of death. Prince, the multitalented musician and entertainer, who was found dead [7] at his estate outside Minneapolis last week, is a prime candidate for such speculation. We need to withhold judgment until toxicology and other autopsy data are made public, of course. …

As Demand Skyrockets, Thousands of US Farms Are Going Organic

Organic food demand is so booming that multiple efforts are underway to support the acquisition of organic farmland. Even Cost-Co is getting in on the action by offering to help farmers buy land and farm equipment. People’s huge appetite for organics has been ignored by Big Ag for so long that land to grow food organically in the U.S. is rather scarce. Currently, organic …


Chimpanzees believe in God. This news, widely reported last week, is only a slight exaggeration. Using hidden cameras, scientists have indeed captured footage of chimpanzee behavior that resembles religious ritual.  The rocks pile up to create something resembling an altar. This “ritualized behavioral display” apparently has no evolutionary function, and instead resembles religious rituals from humanity’s archaeological past. This isn’t the …

Brandon Smith – How Do You Know When Your Society Is In The Midst Of Collapse?

As economic turmoil worldwide becomes increasingly apparent, I have been receiving messages from readers expressing some concerns on the public “perception” of collapse. That is to say, there are questions on the average person’s concept of collapse versus the reality of collapse. This is a vital issue that I have discussed briefly in the past, but it deserves a more …

Harvey Wasserman – Wind Power Guru Paul Gipe: Nukes Fail to Gain Traction in Monumental Paris Accord

“The world, for the first time, agreed there is a problem with climate change and that we should do something about it. This occurred despite two decades of a sophisticated campaign to downplay and even deny that climate change was occurring.

“Further, several states, regions and provinces agreed for the need to put a price on carbon and numerous cities announced plans to meet 100 percent of their energy needs with renewables.