JOHN LAFORGE – Fukushima Radiation in Pacific Reaches West Coast

“[W]e should be carefully monitoring the oceans after what is certainly the largest accidental release of radioactive contaminants to the oceans in history,” marine chemist Ken Buesseler said last spring. Instead, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency halted its emergency radiation monitoring of Fukushima’s radioactive plume in May 2011, three months after the disaster began. Japan isn’t even monitoring seawater near Fukushima, according …

Economic Update – Meanings of Class – 10.04.15

Updates on Swedish plan for peaceful transition beyond capitalism, ripoffs in car insurance, Ferguson, MO credit downgrade. Response to listeners on the CA drought and on best solution for corporate abuses like VW’s. Major discussions of (1) what class means and what is at stake in different meanings, and (2) guaranteed income vs guaranteed jobs.

Human Design provides a new way to see ourselves and do a better job at being ourselves – Energy Stew Interview with ReGina Concotelli – 08.21.15

Human Design provides a new way to see ourselves and do a better job at being ourselves. Understanding the design chart of important people in our lives helps us appreciate their unique qualities better and also helps us be more understanding of their weaknesses (we all have them).

We’re each designed to have special gifts and different kinds of personality traits. They can be extremely different from our own yet we try so hard to find agreement.

Again, I’m speaking with ReGina Concotelli, another Human Design analyst, as I am. We’ll look at the many ways Human Design reveals people so we can see how the traits can work in relationships.

Tune in to better understand your relationships.

In A Bid To Put An End To The Fossil Fuel Crisis, Audi Has Made Diesel Only From Air And Water.

Luxury car maker Audi has announced that it is making synthetic diesel fuel from just water and carbon dioxide. Audi’s pilot plant, which is operated in Dresden by German start-up Sunfire, has produced its first batches of the “e-diesel” fuel earlier this month. To commemorate the potentially huge accomplishment, German Federal Minister of Education and Research Johanna Wanka put a …